发布时间:2019-04-21 08:53
【摘要】:页岩气以吸附态、游离态和溶解态存在于页岩储层中,其中吸附态为主要赋存状态,考察页岩气解吸特征对于我国页岩气勘探开发研究有着重要的理论指导意义。选取了位于南方海相页岩储区的四川和湖北荆门等地的页岩样品,对其常规地球化学性质进行了分析,结果表明页岩样品有机碳含量较高且发育较为成熟;采用MSB磁悬浮天平等温吸附仪进行等温解吸实验并对解吸速率和解吸效率进行计算,结果表明:30~10 MPa时页岩解吸量很低并且无明显变化;10~0.5 MPa时页岩解吸量迅速上升,该阶段为主要解吸段;吸附势理论可用于判断页岩气解吸情况和页岩样品解吸性能强弱,吸附势越大越不利于解吸。
[Abstract]:Shale gas exists in shale reservoir as adsorption state, free state and dissolved state, among which adsorption state is the main occurrence state. It is of great theoretical significance to study the desorption characteristics of shale gas for shale gas exploration and development in China. The conventional geochemical properties of shale samples from Sichuan and Jingmen, Hubei Province, located in the marine shale storage area of southern China were analyzed. The results show that the organic carbon content of shale samples is high and mature. The isotherm desorption experiment of MSB magnetic levitation balance is carried out and the desorption rate and efficiency are calculated. The results show that the desorption amount of shale is very low and has no obvious change at 30 min for 10 MPa. The desorption capacity of shale increases rapidly at 10 ~ 0.5 MPa, which is the main desorption stage, and the adsorption potential theory can be used to judge the desorption of shale gas and the desorption performance of shale samples, and the larger the adsorption potential is, the more unfavorable the desorption is.
【作者单位】: 中国石油大学(北京)理学院;
[Abstract]:Shale gas exists in shale reservoir as adsorption state, free state and dissolved state, among which adsorption state is the main occurrence state. It is of great theoretical significance to study the desorption characteristics of shale gas for shale gas exploration and development in China. The conventional geochemical properties of shale samples from Sichuan and Jingmen, Hubei Province, located in the marine shale storage area of southern China were analyzed. The results show that the organic carbon content of shale samples is high and mature. The isotherm desorption experiment of MSB magnetic levitation balance is carried out and the desorption rate and efficiency are calculated. The results show that the desorption amount of shale is very low and has no obvious change at 30 min for 10 MPa. The desorption capacity of shale increases rapidly at 10 ~ 0.5 MPa, which is the main desorption stage, and the adsorption potential theory can be used to judge the desorption of shale gas and the desorption performance of shale samples, and the larger the adsorption potential is, the more unfavorable the desorption is.
【作者单位】: 中国石油大学(北京)理学院;
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