[Abstract]:With the deepening of exploration knowledge and the continuous improvement of exploration technology, relatively low resistivity reservoirs have been discovered in the new and old oil areas of Yanchang Oilfield, which have been extended from Yanan formation to 6, 8 and 10 according to the development trend of strata. To Yanchang 2, Chang 45, Chang 6 are all found. However, with the deepening of oil exploration and production in Mesozoic in Ordos Basin, the geological situation is becoming more and more complex. In the past, as the main basis for distinguishing oil, gas and water zones, the double-induction-eight-direction logging method was used. It is more and more difficult to meet the needs of exploration and development under complex geological conditions. In the process of logging interpretation, the interpretation of oil and gas reservoirs as water layers occurs from time to time. The lack of understanding of the characteristics and discrimination criteria of low resistivity reservoirs leads to difficulties in log interpretation and evaluation. The success rate of the reservoir identification is low, which restricts the exploration and development of the low resistivity reservoir. In view of the difficulty in identifying low-resistivity reservoirs and the lack of effective means to identify the fluid properties of low-resistivity reservoirs, this paper takes Yanchang-2 low-resistivity reservoir in Dingbian oil area as an example, through systematic exploration and research on low-resistivity reservoirs, and determines the formation of the low-resistivity reservoirs. Macro-and micro-factors, understanding the formation mechanism, summarizing the characteristics of low-resistivity reservoirs and forming a set of effective logging interpretation research methods for identification and determination of low-resistivity reservoirs, in order to improve the coincidence rate of logging interpretation and improve the interpretation accuracy of low-resistivity reservoirs. In order to find more low resistivity reservoirs. In this paper, the productivity prediction of Chang-2 low resistivity reservoir in the study block is carried out, and the formula is applied to 16 wells in this area which are not involved in the formula calculation.
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