[Abstract]:Based on the present situation of groundwater resources development and utilization in Jinxin mining area of Daxinganling, and on the basis of analyzing the hydrogeological conditions in this area, the potential of groundwater development in this area is evaluated in this paper. The changing trend of groundwater level and aquifer condition in this area are analyzed deeply, and some suggestions for comprehensive development and utilization of water resources are put forward. By collecting a large number of existing data and collecting field data, this paper analyzes the geological and hydrogeological conditions in this area, and calculates the groundwater resources by various methods on the basis of hydrogeological units. The quantity and quality of groundwater resources are analyzed and evaluated, the exploitation potential of groundwater resources in this area is analyzed and evaluated, and the present situation of groundwater is analyzed and evaluated. According to the present situation of groundwater development and utilization in this area, some reasonable suggestions are put forward, which provides the basis for the development and utilization of water resources in mining area.
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2 记者夏s,