基于原位蠕变试验的滑带土特性研究及应用 ——以三峡库区黄土坡滑坡为例
发布时间:2021-02-11 10:46
滑坡灾害是影响人类生命与财产安全的重大地质灾害之一,而在我国的三峡库区其发生尤为频繁。因此,对滑坡变形的机理展开深入研究具有重要的实际意义。一般而言,分析滑坡的稳定性是通过现场取样、室内或原位试验(直剪、三轴等)的手段获得岩土体的抗剪强度参数,从而进一步计算得到滑坡的安全系数。由于场地条件的限制,开展原位试验通常只能针对滑体部分进行,而无法对滑带部分进行有效的测试。滑带是控制滑坡启动以及运动过程的关键结构,其结构与强度通常与滑体有较大差异;因此,对滑带开展原位试验理论上可以反映出更为真实的滑坡稳定性状态。目前,蠕变试验是研究岩土体长期变形与强度性质的唯一途径。对于尚未发生或正在经历缓慢变形的滑坡而言,开展原位蠕变试验能够真实了解滑带土的变形特性,从而对滑坡稳定性评价与预测提供更加合理的依据。黄土坡滑坡是三峡库区已探明的最大规模滑坡,根据监测数据可知,该滑坡长期处于缓慢变形过程(滑坡前部地表位移约30 mm/年);滑带的埋深深度约50-70 m,由于长期上部荷载的影响,滑带结构致密,与重塑样有明显区别。基于上述特征,本文针对黄土坡1号滑坡(黄土坡滑坡变形最大的子滑坡)的滑带土开展了原位蠕...
【文章来源】:中国地质大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:119 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research background and significance
1.2 Overviews on present research
1.2.1 Latest achievements on acquiring shear strength of the sliding zone soil
1.2.2 Research on the creep properties of sliding zone soil
1.3 Existing shortcomings
1.4 Research method
1.4.1 Research contents
1.4.2 Innovative points
1.4.3 Technology roadmap
Chapter 2 The Huangtupo landslide
2.1 Regional geological conditions of the Huangtupo landslide area
2.1.1 Overview of The Huangtupo Landslide
2.1.2 Topography and Landform
2.1.3 Strata and lithology
2.1.4 Geological structure
2.1.5 Hydrogeological conditions
2.2 Materials and structures by investigations
2.2.1 The No.1 landslide
2.2.2 The No.2 landslide
2.2.3 The Substation landslide
2.2.4 The Garden spot landslide
2.3 Deformation monitoring of the landslide
2.3.1 GPS monitoring
2.3.2 Inclinometer monitoring
2.3.3 TDR monitoring on deep deformation
2.3.4 Monitoring of crack deformation
2.4 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 3 In situ triaxial creep test on sliding zone soil
3.1 Significance of the in situ triaxial creep test
3.2 Instrument used for in situ triaxial testing
3.3 Loading scheme and test result
3.4 Analysis on the low compressibility of the sample
3.4.1 High preexisting compression degree
3.4.2 High rock content
3.5 Constitutive law
3.5.1 Elements for the constitutive equation
3.5.2 Linear viscoplasticity term
3.5.3 Nonlinear viscoplasticity term
3.6 Anisotropic deformation
3.7 Landslide movement related to the sample
3.8 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 4 Shear strength and deformative behavior of remoulded sliding zone soil
4.1 Soil structures
4.2 Soil compactness
4.2.1 Soil porosity
4.2.2 Dry density
4.2.3 Relative density
4.3 Structure capacity of tested sliding zone soil
4.3.1 Capacity from soil structure
4.3.2 Capacity from soil-water bond
4.4 Direct shear test demonstrating the structure capacity
4.4.1 Sampling and preparation
4.4.2 Test plan
4.4.3 Results
4.5 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 5 Case study on the Huangtupo No.1 landslide
5.1 Ring shear test on the sliding zone soil
5.1.1 Introduction of the ICL-2 apparatus
5.1.2 Test process
5.1.3 Test results
5.2 Simulations on initiation of the Huangtupo No.1 landslide
5.2.1 The LS-RAPID
5.2.2 Shear strength parameters to be input
5.2.3 Modelling of the Hunagtupo No.1 landslide
5.2.4 Simulative process and results
5.2.5 Analysis and conclusion
5.3 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 6 Conclusions and outlook
6.1 Conclusions
6.2 Outlook
[1]广州地区花岗岩残积土力学特性试验及参数研究[J]. 温勇,杨光华,汤连生,徐传堡,黄致兴,黄忠铭,张玉成. 岩土力学. 2016(S2)
[2]采用高速环剪试验机对滑带土环剪特性的研究[J]. 李慧,李良振,尚玉杰,张霈雯,乔双双. 山西建筑. 2016(28)
[3]三峡库区马家沟滑坡滑体粗粒土蠕变试验研究[J]. 胡新丽,孙淼军,唐辉明,谢妮,郭嘉. 岩土力学. 2014(11)
[4]溪洛渡左岸谷肩堆积体滑带流变模型参数反演及长期变形分析[J]. 李东,张强,孟永东,尤林. 三峡大学学报(自然科学版). 2013(05)
[5]簸箕山大型老滑坡滑动带的结构特征及形成机制试验研究[J]. 辛鹏,吴树仁,石菊松,王涛,石玲,韩金良. 岩石力学与工程学报. 2013(07)
[6]Creep model for unsaturated soils in sliding zone of Qianjiangping landslide[J]. Liangchao Zou,Shimei Wang,Xiaoling Lai. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 2013(02)
[7]粗粒土大型直剪试验的二维离散元模拟[J]. 周解慧,冯春辉. 土工基础. 2012(04)
[8]粗粒土变形与强度特性大三轴试验研究[J]. 禇福永,朱俊高,王观琪,刘汉龙. 山东农业大学学报(自然科学版). 2011(04)
[9]YXSW-12现场岩体真三轴试验系统及其应用[J]. 张宜虎,周火明,钟作武,熊诗湖,郝庆泽. 岩石力学与工程学报. 2011(11)
[10]A 3D bounding surface model for rockfill materials[J]. XIAO Yang1,2,LIU HanLong1,2*,ZHU JunGao1,2,SHI WeiCheng1,3 & LIU MengCheng1,4 1 Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Geomechanics and Embankment Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China;2 Geotechnical Research Institute,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China;3 School of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Changzhou Institute of Technology,Changzhou 213002,China;4 College of Architecture and Civil Engineering,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310014,China. Science China(Technological Sciences). 2011(11)
[1]库水作用下滑坡流固耦合作用及变形研究[D]. 汪斌.中国地质大学 2007
[1]土石混合料路用性能的实验研究[D]. 高春玉.四川大学 2004
【文章来源】:中国地质大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:119 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research background and significance
1.2 Overviews on present research
1.2.1 Latest achievements on acquiring shear strength of the sliding zone soil
1.2.2 Research on the creep properties of sliding zone soil
1.3 Existing shortcomings
1.4 Research method
1.4.1 Research contents
1.4.2 Innovative points
1.4.3 Technology roadmap
Chapter 2 The Huangtupo landslide
2.1 Regional geological conditions of the Huangtupo landslide area
2.1.1 Overview of The Huangtupo Landslide
2.1.2 Topography and Landform
2.1.3 Strata and lithology
2.1.4 Geological structure
2.1.5 Hydrogeological conditions
2.2 Materials and structures by investigations
2.2.1 The No.1 landslide
2.2.2 The No.2 landslide
2.2.3 The Substation landslide
2.2.4 The Garden spot landslide
2.3 Deformation monitoring of the landslide
2.3.1 GPS monitoring
2.3.2 Inclinometer monitoring
2.3.3 TDR monitoring on deep deformation
2.3.4 Monitoring of crack deformation
2.4 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 3 In situ triaxial creep test on sliding zone soil
3.1 Significance of the in situ triaxial creep test
3.2 Instrument used for in situ triaxial testing
3.3 Loading scheme and test result
3.4 Analysis on the low compressibility of the sample
3.4.1 High preexisting compression degree
3.4.2 High rock content
3.5 Constitutive law
3.5.1 Elements for the constitutive equation
3.5.2 Linear viscoplasticity term
3.5.3 Nonlinear viscoplasticity term
3.6 Anisotropic deformation
3.7 Landslide movement related to the sample
3.8 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 4 Shear strength and deformative behavior of remoulded sliding zone soil
4.1 Soil structures
4.2 Soil compactness
4.2.1 Soil porosity
4.2.2 Dry density
4.2.3 Relative density
4.3 Structure capacity of tested sliding zone soil
4.3.1 Capacity from soil structure
4.3.2 Capacity from soil-water bond
4.4 Direct shear test demonstrating the structure capacity
4.4.1 Sampling and preparation
4.4.2 Test plan
4.4.3 Results
4.5 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 5 Case study on the Huangtupo No.1 landslide
5.1 Ring shear test on the sliding zone soil
5.1.1 Introduction of the ICL-2 apparatus
5.1.2 Test process
5.1.3 Test results
5.2 Simulations on initiation of the Huangtupo No.1 landslide
5.2.1 The LS-RAPID
5.2.2 Shear strength parameters to be input
5.2.3 Modelling of the Hunagtupo No.1 landslide
5.2.4 Simulative process and results
5.2.5 Analysis and conclusion
5.3 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 6 Conclusions and outlook
6.1 Conclusions
6.2 Outlook
[1]广州地区花岗岩残积土力学特性试验及参数研究[J]. 温勇,杨光华,汤连生,徐传堡,黄致兴,黄忠铭,张玉成. 岩土力学. 2016(S2)
[2]采用高速环剪试验机对滑带土环剪特性的研究[J]. 李慧,李良振,尚玉杰,张霈雯,乔双双. 山西建筑. 2016(28)
[3]三峡库区马家沟滑坡滑体粗粒土蠕变试验研究[J]. 胡新丽,孙淼军,唐辉明,谢妮,郭嘉. 岩土力学. 2014(11)
[4]溪洛渡左岸谷肩堆积体滑带流变模型参数反演及长期变形分析[J]. 李东,张强,孟永东,尤林. 三峡大学学报(自然科学版). 2013(05)
[5]簸箕山大型老滑坡滑动带的结构特征及形成机制试验研究[J]. 辛鹏,吴树仁,石菊松,王涛,石玲,韩金良. 岩石力学与工程学报. 2013(07)
[6]Creep model for unsaturated soils in sliding zone of Qianjiangping landslide[J]. Liangchao Zou,Shimei Wang,Xiaoling Lai. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 2013(02)
[7]粗粒土大型直剪试验的二维离散元模拟[J]. 周解慧,冯春辉. 土工基础. 2012(04)
[8]粗粒土变形与强度特性大三轴试验研究[J]. 禇福永,朱俊高,王观琪,刘汉龙. 山东农业大学学报(自然科学版). 2011(04)
[9]YXSW-12现场岩体真三轴试验系统及其应用[J]. 张宜虎,周火明,钟作武,熊诗湖,郝庆泽. 岩石力学与工程学报. 2011(11)
[10]A 3D bounding surface model for rockfill materials[J]. XIAO Yang1,2,LIU HanLong1,2*,ZHU JunGao1,2,SHI WeiCheng1,3 & LIU MengCheng1,4 1 Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Geomechanics and Embankment Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China;2 Geotechnical Research Institute,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China;3 School of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Changzhou Institute of Technology,Changzhou 213002,China;4 College of Architecture and Civil Engineering,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310014,China. Science China(Technological Sciences). 2011(11)
[1]库水作用下滑坡流固耦合作用及变形研究[D]. 汪斌.中国地质大学 2007
[1]土石混合料路用性能的实验研究[D]. 高春玉.四川大学 2004