发布时间:2018-01-20 06:32
本文关键词: 几何校正 精度分析 不同分辨率 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:遥感图像的成像与获取的内在规律决定了所获取的遥感图像并不能被直接应用,因而为提高影像的与实际地形的匹配度,需要对影像进行几何校正处理,因而从理论上探索遥感影像的变形规律,研究高精度、便于实施的遥感影像校正方法且误差最小的方法已经成为遥感应用领域亟待解决的热点问题。几何校正是遥感影像处理过程的关键环节,为此,需对遥感影像的几何质量和适用性进行必要的评价。本文以中分辨率的RapidEye遥感影像数据和高分辨率的WorldView-2卫星影像数据为基础,开展了遥感影像几何校正及校正后精度的研究工作。在对数据处理的基础上系统的研究并评价了几何校正模型、控制点来源、控制点数量、遥感影像分辨率对遥感影像的几何校正精度的影响及两种分辨率影像能满足的制图比例尺。通过比较分析,取得了以下成果: 1.遥感影像几何校正精度,,与校正数学模型的选取、与校正用控制点的数量和位置、与控制点的来源和精度、与遥感影像的空间分辨率等因素有关。 2.遥感影像的几何校正模型的选择影响几何校正的精度,对地势起伏较大区域应先进行正射校正后再进行三次多项式法几何校正可以有效提高几何校正精度,对地势起伏小的区域可以直接进行二次多项式校正,校正后的精度可以达到规范要求。 3.进行多项式法几何校正时,几何校正控制点的数量及定位精度是遥感影像几何校正精度的保证。分别以5米DEM数据和30米DEM数据为控制,通过应用不同精度的基础数据对遥感影像进行几何校正后并对校正后的精度进行了评定,基础数据精度越高,校正后影像的几何精度也越高。但对于中分辨率的遥感影像来说,基础数据精度的提高对校正后影像几何精度的提高并不明显。 4.在相同校正的基础条件时,对不同分辨率的两种影像的几何校正精度进行了对比,分辨率高的遥感影像其几何校正精度以及遥感制图的精度高,但是为了避免资源浪费,应该依据制图比例尺选择合适的遥感影像进行制图。
[Abstract]:The inherent law of remote sensing image imaging and acquisition determines that the obtained remote sensing image can not be directly applied, so in order to improve the matching degree between the image and the actual terrain, the geometric correction of the image is needed. Therefore, the deformation law of remote sensing image is explored theoretically and the high precision is studied. The method of remote sensing image correction which is easy to implement and the method with minimum error has become a hot problem to be solved urgently in the field of remote sensing application. Geometric correction is the key link in the process of remote sensing image processing. It is necessary to evaluate the geometric quality and applicability of remote sensing image. This paper bases on RapidEye remote sensing image data with medium resolution and WorldView-2 satellite image data with high resolution. Base. On the basis of data processing, the geometric correction model, the source of control points and the number of control points are systematically studied and evaluated. The effect of the resolution of remote sensing image on the geometric correction accuracy of remote sensing image and the mapping scale which can be satisfied by the two kinds of resolution images. Through comparison and analysis, the following results have been obtained: 1. The geometric correction accuracy of remote sensing image is related to the selection of calibration mathematical model, the number and position of control points for correction, the source and accuracy of control points, and the spatial resolution of remote sensing images. 2. The choice of geometric correction model of remote sensing image affects the accuracy of geometric correction. The geometric correction with cubic polynomial method can effectively improve the accuracy of geometric correction in areas with large terrain fluctuation, and can be directly corrected by quadratic polynomials for areas with small terrain fluctuation. The corrected precision can meet the specification requirements. 3. In polynomial geometric correction, the number of geometric correction control points and the positioning accuracy are the guarantee of geometric correction accuracy of remote sensing image, which are controlled by 5 m DEM data and 30 m DEM data, respectively. The geometric correction of remote sensing image is carried out by using different precision basic data and the accuracy after correction is evaluated. The higher the accuracy of the basic data is. The geometric accuracy of the corrected image is higher, but for the middle resolution remote sensing image, the improvement of the basic data precision is not obvious. 4. In the same basic condition of correction, the geometric correction accuracy of two kinds of images with different resolution is compared. The geometric correction accuracy of the high resolution remote sensing image and the precision of remote sensing mapping are high. But in order to avoid the waste of resources, we should choose the appropriate remote sensing image according to the scale of cartography.
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