发布时间:2018-01-20 19:09
本文关键词: LiDAR 三维重建 CSG 基元分解 基元识别 等高线族 轮廓重建 出处:《国土资源遥感》2016年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:针对机载激光雷达(airborne light detection and ranging,Li DAR)数据三维重建中运用构造表示法(constructive solid geometry,CSG)无法对复杂模型自动地进行基元分解、基元模型识别以及模型集成等问题,提出了一种基于CSG扩展的三维重建方法。该方法利用建筑物等高线的分族特性,通过等高线分族实现了CSG方法中复杂建筑物模型的层次划分和基元分解,在此基础上,结合建筑物分层等高线族特征和分层轮廓线的重建结果来辨别基元类型,实现了CSG方法中基元的自动识别,并依据其识别结果采用相应的重建方法完成模型基元的分部重建,最后依据一套有效的模型集成规则实现了复杂建筑物整体模型的自动建模。通过大范围的Li DAR数据进行试验,验证了基于CSG扩展方法对复杂建筑物三维建模的有效性。
[Abstract]:Airborne light detection and ranging. Construction solid geometry is used in 3D reconstruction of LiDAR data. CSG) can not automatically decompose the complex model, recognize the primitive model and integrate the model. A 3D reconstruction method based on CSG extension is proposed, which utilizes the hierarchical characteristics of the contour lines of buildings. The hierarchical partition and primitive decomposition of complex building model in CSG method are realized by contour subfamily. Based on the features of hierarchical contour family of buildings and the reconstruction results of layered contours, the primitive types are identified, and the automatic recognition of primitives in CSG method is realized. According to the recognition results, the partial reconstruction of the model primitive is completed by using the corresponding reconstruction method. Finally, according to a set of effective model integration rules, the automatic modeling of a complex building whole model is realized, and the experiment is carried out through a wide range of Li DAR data. The validity of the extended method based on CSG for 3D modeling of complex buildings is verified.
【作者单位】: 湖南科技大学地理空间信息技术国家地方联合工程实验室;武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目“山地城市环境下等高线辅助的机载LiDAR点云复杂建筑物三维模型重建方法研究”(编号:41401497) 湖南省科技计划项目“云计算环境下基于机载LiDAR数据快速获取高精度DEM的应用研究”(编号:2015GK3027)共同资助
【正文快照】: 0引言近年来,随着三维GIS技术的不断发展,三维数字城市正成为数字城市到智慧城市升级的主要建设内容之一[1]。目前城市三维数据获取手段主要还是基于摄影测量的方法,利用影像信息提取建筑物目标的几何特征信息。从本质上说,从二维影像恢复三维模型仍然是一个病态问题,虽然近年
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