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发布时间:2018-03-27 11:04

  本文选题:遥感影像并行处理 切入点:多任务粒度 出处:《南京大学》2015年博士论文

[Abstract]:The remote sensing image is the geographic information system (GIS) is an important geographic data type. With remote sensing monitoring of environmental resources in the survey, weather forecast, disaster monitoring and assessment, widely used in military target recognition. To deal with large numbers of real-time or near real-time remote sensing image according to the amount of parallel technology is increasingly urgent demand. Efficient and effective way of rapid processing of massive remote sensing image. The characteristics of the parallel processing method for remote sensing images with multi task granularity, solve the problems in different task granularity task dependence and data dependence is the key problem in the parallel processing method of remote sensing image. Remote sensing image mosaic is an important content of the application of remote sensing technology. Remote sensing image mosaic method of parallel design covers a variety of task granularity, based on the research of remote sensing image parallel mosaic technology as an example, research on multi task oriented particle Remote sensing image processing method of parallel technology, remote sensing images to construct multi granularity parallel embedded framework, improve the efficiency of remote sensing image mosaic, for parallel processing to provide examples and methods for reference implementation for multi task granularity of remote sensing image. The main research contents and conclusions are as follows: (1) remote sensing image map projection and coordinate transformation method in parallel the technology of remote sensing image. Map projection and coordinate transformation is the basis of remote sensing image mosaic. Remote sensing image parallel map projection and coordinate transformation of the task granularity is single image pixels and. Research and analysis of the remote sensing image map projection principle and the method of coordinate transformation, the parallel algorithm is designed to analyze the characteristics of parallel task granularity by pixel method and a single image for the proposed remote sensing image map projection and coordinate conversion method of parallel key lies in the design of several remote sensing images and The partitioning strategy of image data for map projection and coordinate transformation. The research considers the data storage format, influence the parallel environment on the parallel efficiency of the proposed method, remote sensing image data storage format based on data partitioning strategy of processor performance, combined with the static task scheduling and peer-to-peer mode realizes parallel method, the performance of parallel method the tests were carried out. Test results show that the proposed data partitioning strategy of remote sensing image parallel method reduces image map projection and coordinate transformation time, with a relatively high speed, has a good performance in dealing with large amount of data of remote sensing images. (2) the relative radiometric correction of remote sensing image parallel technology the remote sensing image. Relative radiometric correction is the guarantee of the remote sensing image color balance, an important step in the formation of color mosaic image consistent with the remote sensing image and radiation for school. Is the task granularity is part of the image. The research chose the better precision and stability of iterative weighted multivariate change detection and orthogonal regression method to realize parallel relative radiometric correction. Through the analysis of the principle of relative radiometric correction of remote sensing image, put forward to the part of the image for task granularity relative radiometric calibration method for the design of parallel difficulties: selection of reference image determination of image correction, path, solve the problems in the correction on the path dependence. The research task put forward the reference image of the shortest path selection and correction path generation method makes the overall radiometric correction based on minimum error correction. Study analysis the influence on path correction coefficient, a correction on the path of each task execution result of the relationship that makes the task can be executed independently, depending on the tasks by a small amount of computation. The serial computation to solve the dynamic task scheduling and Slave mode to realize parallel method in high performance. The experimental results show that the above method of parallel, parallel serial parallel method strategy to achieve part of the execution time of the total execution time based on the proportion of very small, the parallel speedup method has high, and when processing large amount of data, (the acceleration effect is obvious. 3) remote sensing image mosaic mosaic parallel technology. Remote sensing image is the overlapping area in the image of the interior to find a joint line as the range of image line, the image mosaic process will be formed. The mosaic image mosaic task granularity parallel remote sensing images. All images were chosen to achieve parallel image mosaic method of morphology design of parallel stitching. Splicing method of task granularity to all images for the need to solve the following problems: computing all images needs to be read into memory, the memory requirements for high storage capacity; output The amount of intermediate results, take up a lot of memory; hierarchical method for global computing, task dependence and the data dependence. By analyzing the principle of morphological mosaic method, proposed scheme divides the data overlapping area is divided into independent intersection area to reduce the burden of memory; a vector raster conversion data storage optimization a way to reduce the burden and to read and write memory occupancy based on data partitioning and data storage; according to the optimization results, study the characteristics of task dependence, redefined the task granularity, combined with master-slave mode, realizes the dynamic scheduling strategy. In high performance computing cluster of parallel method of performance experiments show that the parallel strategy. Effectively reduce the parallel algorithm in serial computing, the remote sensing image mosaic significantly reduce the execution time of parallel remote sensing image mosaic method has good scalability, negative Load balancing is better. The innovation of this study is to construct the multi granularity parallel remote sensing image mosaic framework, put forward to the part of the image of remote sensing task granularity parallel radiation correction task level dependent solving strategy and proposes a parallel connection scheme for remote sensing image data storage and dynamic optimization based on task scheduling.



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