本文选题:云存储 切入点:NoSQL 出处:《福州大学》2013年硕士论文
[Abstract]:How to realize the efficient storage, management and online service of massive spatial data, and how to mine the interesting and useful geoscience knowledge of users based on these data, At present, the research of spatial data cloud storage is mostly focused on raster data storage and management, but the research on vector data cloud storage and cloud service is scattered. At the same time, space mining based on cloud storage is also lack of systematic research. According to the different characteristics of vector and raster spatial data, A distributed cloud storage management and access service scheme for mass spatial data is proposed and implemented, which integrates vector raster data. An efficient parallel spectral clustering algorithm based on cloud storage is designed and implemented. The main research contents and results are as follows: 1. On the basis of summarizing the research status of cloud computing NoSQL database and graph computing at home and abroad. The basic theory of spatial cloud storage and parallel clustering is described in detail, the concept and characteristics of cloud computing mode and the origin and type of NoSQL non-relational database technology are analyzed, and the data model of graph database is analyzed. The realization and limitation of application scene and traditional space storage technology, as well as the principle of different parallel computing models, the applicable situation and the advantages and disadvantages. 2.According to the different characteristics of vector and raster spatial data, This paper proposes a distributed cloud storage management and access service scheme for massive spatial data based on the integration of vector raster data, which is based on the three-layer spatial data cloud storage architecture. The implementation strategy and method of grid and vector data cloud storage based on NoSQL database technology are presented, and the design of general data access interface is carried out. The distributed file system HDFS is used to store grid data. The column family database HBase is used to build the distributed spatial index, and the distributed graph database Neo4J, which meets the ACID constraints, is used to store vector data. Using R-tree to build spatial index. 3. The principle of spectral clustering algorithm based on graph theory is discussed, and the different subgraph partition methods in the algorithm are compared and analyzed. The DiDiC segmentation algorithm is applied to the spatial clustering of parallel graph data. At the same time, combining with the parallel computing framework MapReduce, the flow of spatial spectral clustering algorithm and its realization method based on MapReduce parallelization are proposed. Test tests on two aspects of clustering. In the case of graph data storage, A comparative test between GeoDAC and PostGIS in vector data read and write access performance is carried out. The results show that although GeoDAC does not achieve the acceleration of write performance, it has a powerful read performance that cannot be compared with PostGIS. The parallel spectral clustering algorithm and the single-machine version spectral clustering algorithm are compared in graph data mining efficiency. It is proved that the parallelization of the algorithm can significantly improve the performance of graph data mining algorithm.
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