本文选题:生态敏感性 + GIS ; 参考:《水土保持研究》2017年05期
[Abstract]:Based on GIS technology, six factors were selected according to the main ecological problems in Xingyun Lake basin, and the multi-factor weighted summation model was used to evaluate the ecological sensitivity and spatial distribution of Xingyun Lake basin. According to the evaluation value of ecological sensitivity, the study area was divided into four grades: high sensitive area, moderate sensitive area, low sensitive area and insensitive area. The results showed that the area of high sensitivity, moderate sensitivity, low sensitivity and non-sensitive area were 104.08 kmg ~ 2124.52 km ~ (-1) 2102.78 km ~ (2) ~ (2) ~ 39.30 km ~ (2), and the area of middle and above sensitive area was about 228.60 km ~ (2), accounting for 61.67 km / m of the total area of the river basin, the ecological sensitivity was high in general, and the main spatial distribution was in town and town of the river. It is suggested that the highly sensitive zonation should be designated as the ecological protection area, the moderate sensitive area should be designated as the control development area, and the low sensitive area and the non-sensitive area should be considered as the suitable development area. The evaluation results can well reflect the spatial distribution characteristics of the comprehensive ecological sensitivity of the watershed, which can be used as the basis for the development and construction of land resources and environmental planning and protection in the watershed, and provide a reference for the similar research in the plateau lake basin.
【作者单位】: 云南大学资源环境与地球科学学院;云南省高原湖泊流域污染过程与管理重点实验室;
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