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当前位置:首页 >> 计算机软件及应用 >> ArcGIS开发技术综述2

An Introduction to GIS for developers
Part 2: GIS Data
Canserina Kurnia & Tom Shippee

? ? ? ?

GIS data types Leveraging attributes Getting loc

ations from tabular data Power of the Geodatabase

ArcGIS a complete platform
“discover, use, make & share”

Content Mgmt
ArcGIS Online/Portal

Apps and applications

Back office GIS Services infrastructure ArcGIS Server

GIS Content & Analysis
ArcGIS Desktop

Content and services

Getting the information out…
Provides Geospatial Capabilities Across the Entire Organization

? ? ?

Mapping Analysis Visualization
Knowledge Workers


Citizens Deployed Users

Enterprise Integration

Professional GIS

. . . A Framework For Sharing, and Collaboration

Getting the information in…
Breaks down barriers to communication & collaboration

. . . Anyone can gain access to the information they need

Exploring GIS as a Platform

Data Fundamentals



GIS Data types
Vectors & rasters

Commonly used data in ArcGIS
Data type
Address CAD Elevation Geodatabase Imagery CSV, GPX, GeoRSS Shapefile Temporal X,Y or X,Y,Z
? Descriptive locations ? Street address, zip code, county, state ? Computer Aided Design ? Engineering and design drawings ? Height or depth in relation to reference surface such as mean sea level ? Many supported raster and vector formats ? Native format for ArcGIS ? Storage of features, tables, and behaviors in a relational database ? Aerial photos or satellite images ? Many supported raster formats ? Coordinate values stores in a file ? streaming location as part of a Web feed ? Simple format for storing point, line, and area features ? Time or date information for geographic locations ? Coordinate values ? May include elevation, or Z values


Managing GIS Data

What is a geodatabase?

ArcGIS native data structure

Why use a geodatabase?
Rules and relationships Datasets Data integrity

Scale users


Advanced datasets

Scale storage

Geoprocessing and geocoding Integrate with other databases

Working with versioned data
? Publish public version (DEFAULT)


? Next version of the data (QA)


Data versioning scenarios


Controlled data release




What if modeling & planning
(e.g., disaster management)
Public Flood


Project staging



Replication enables efficient data copies


Multiuser geodatabase

Data Change Set


Leveraging attributes
Combining text & geometry

Spatial tables
? ?

Records correspond to features ObjectID and Shape fields

Nonspatial tables
? ? ?

No record-feature correspondence No Shape field May have OID field

Table Join

Symbolize countries based on UN data

Spatial table has no UN data

Nonspatial table has UN data



Table Relates

Support one-to-many and many-to-many relationships between records

Spatial table Nonspatial table

Getting locations from non-spatial data
Geocoding addresses, zip codes, etc.

Adding x,y data

May exist in non-spatial tables
Address 1 Battery Park Plaza 2 Broadway 110 Pearl Street 55 Broad Street Zip 10004 10004 10005 10004 latitude 40.70317 40.70407 40.70447 40.70512 longitude -74.0145 -74.0131 -74.0094 -74.0114

GPS locations of Starbucks

…displayed as point layer


Get locations from addresses Create point features


NAME J. Maloney K. Hickman E. Palmer

ADDRESS 310 East Andreas Road 105 Maple Street 3109 Bell Square West

Location Analytics

Esri Maps for

IBM Cognos Microsoft Office Microsoft Sharepoint MicroStrategy Microsoft Dynamics CRM SAP Business Objects Salesforce (coming soon)

Geodata Behaviors
Domains, relationships & topology

Attribute editing validation

Data validation basics

Data type Default value


Domains control input values for a single field Subtypes classification enables power editing


Topology and geometry edit validation
? ?

Spatial relationship models Topology rules control data integrity

San Francisco is contained by California I-80 connects San Francisco and New York New York is adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean

Thank you for attending… Online Survey:
Canserina Kurnia (ckurnia@esri.com) Thomas Shippee (tshippee@esri.com)


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