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发布时间:2018-06-24 10:49

  本文选题:Visual + Studio ; 参考:《合肥工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国已建成的各类水坝8.7万余座,在防洪、灌溉、供水及发电等诸多方面发挥了巨大的社会经济效益。但是,由于人们对影响大坝安全的因素认识尚不充分,加之许多工程运行已久,使得不少大坝逐渐出现老化病变的趋势,大坝安全监测显得越来越重要。大坝安全监测主要目的是依据布置在水利枢纽中各部位的大量监测仪器设备所产生的时序数据,通过对获取数据的整理、计算、分析来监控大坝的安全性态,保障其安全运行。 针对大坝监测中监测项目众多、监测仪器空间分布广以及需要对海量监测数据作出处理与分析等问题,本论文应用Visual Studio平台具有可视化设计界面、包含大量工具平台供用户调用设置、具备集成部署等功能的优点,研究开发具有三维地理信息和监测点监测信息的大坝安全监测系统。系统设计了信息查询维护子系统、可视化子系统、模型分析子系统、预警预报子系统等四大功能模块。系统在GIS平台下分别应用TIN表面和栅格表面两种建模方法建立了大坝的三维地理信息模型,其中建立栅格表面时与专业建模软件SketchUp相结合,,通过三维地物真实纹理的加入,使得用户对大坝的地理环境有了直观的认识,最大程度的重建并还原了大坝所处的三维环境。系统结合C#语言能够调用ArcGIS Engine给开发者提供的GIS控件,如制图控件、三维控件、框架控件等。从而利用GIS强大的采集、存储、分析和处理海量地理数据并能将图形与数据有机结合起来等优势,借助这些控件建立一个集监测信息查询、监测数据分析处理、可视化显示于一体的系统。 论述分析了大坝安全监测系统开发所涉及到的数学监测模型。以多元统计回归模型和灰色模型为例,对各模型的核心思想及其理论知识做了介绍。采用Visual Basic语言,编程实现了多元统计回归模型和灰色GM(1,1)模型的建模计算,对监测数据作出合理的分析预测。并基于VS平台环境运用C#语言将编好的监测数据分析程序嵌入大坝安全监测系统,实现系统与监测数据分析程序间的无缝连接。结合土石坝工程实测沉降资料,以多元统计回归和灰色GM(1,1)为主要数学模型,探讨大坝安全监测资料的分析方法。研究表明,统计回归模型和灰色GM(1,1)模型均能准确的揭示沉降规律,为土石坝施工期安全监测提供了有利工具。 论文结合水库大坝工程实例建立大坝安全监测系统,实现了良好的数据管理、监测数据分析和可视化显示等功能,内含的统计回归模型和灰色建模功能便捷有效地实现了监测数据的分析预测,取得了令人满意的效果,为信息化、可视化大坝安全监测系统的构建提供了有效的参考。
[Abstract]:The dam safety monitoring mainly aims at monitoring the safety state of the dam and guaranteeing the safe operation of the dam by arranging , calculating and analyzing the acquired data according to the timing data generated by a large number of monitoring instrument equipment arranged in various parts of the water conservancy project .

In view of the large number of monitoring items in dam monitoring , the spatial distribution of monitoring instruments and the need to deal with and analyze the massive monitoring data , this paper has developed the three - dimensional geographic information model of the dam by using the visual design interface of Visual Studio . The system designs the dam safety monitoring system with three - dimensional geographic information and monitoring point monitoring information .

This paper introduces the mathematical monitoring model involved in the development of dam safety monitoring system . Based on the multi - statistic regression model and the grey model , the core idea and the theoretical knowledge of each model are introduced . Based on VS platform environment , the multi - statistic regression model and the grey GM ( 1,1 ) model are programmed into the dam safety monitoring system . The analysis method of the dam safety monitoring data is discussed . The research shows that the statistical regression model and the grey GM ( 1,1 ) model can reveal the settlement law accurately , and provide a favorable tool for safety monitoring of the earth - rock dam construction period .

This paper establishes a dam safety monitoring system in combination with the reservoir dam engineering example , realizes the functions of good data management , monitoring data analysis and visual display , and realizes the analysis and prediction of the monitoring data conveniently and effectively by using the statistical regression model and the grey modeling function , achieves satisfactory results , and provides an effective reference for the construction of the information and visual dam safety monitoring system .


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