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发布时间:2018-06-25 12:50

  本文选题:卫星测高 + 中国近海及邻域 ; 参考:《中国石油大学(华东)》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:重力异常由于地球质量分布不规则造成的重力场中各点的重力矢量和正常重力矢量的数量之差,是研究地球形状、地球内部结构和重力勘探,以及修正空间飞行器的轨道的重要数据,被广泛应用于物理海洋学、地球物理学等领域的研究。但是长期以来探测方法单一与探测技术的落后使得海洋重力资料的严重缺乏,卫星测高技术可以提供大范围、高精度、长时间序列的海面观测资料,其结果可以很好地诠释海洋大地水准面和重力异常,具有传统技术无可比拟的优势,逐步成为获取海洋重力场数据的主要手段。 本文联合利用Geosat、Geosat、ERS-1、ERS-1、ERS-2、Envisat、T/P、Jason-1和Jason-2多种测高卫星数据,对数据进行数据编辑和共线处理,有效的减小了数据容量,再经参考椭球和参考框架基准的统一得到海面高值,采用移去-恢复方法,基于EGM2008重力场模型和DNSC08海面地形模型,用相邻测高点大地水准面高度的一次差分求沿轨垂线偏差,然后基于最小二乘原理直接解算了中国近海及其邻域2′×2′分辨率垂线偏差子午分量和卯酉分量。基于逆Vening-Meinesz公式,采用不同的残余垂线偏差范围和不同的积分半径分别反演中国近海及其邻域重力异常,并与选择中渤海地球和东海北部地区船测重力数据进行比对。 根据上述流程,,剔除残余垂线偏差绝对值大于3″的点,以45′为积分半径,确定了中国近海及其邻域2′×2′分辨率重力异常,与船测重力数据进行比较,精度在3.92~4.437mGal之间,总体精度为4.154mGal。
[Abstract]:The difference between the number of gravity vectors at each point in the gravity field caused by the irregular distribution of the mass of the earth and the number of normal gravity vectors is the study of the shape of the earth, the internal structure of the earth and gravity exploration. It is widely used in the research of physical oceanography, geophysics and so on. However, for a long time, the singleness of exploration methods and the backwardness of detection techniques have made the marine gravity data seriously lacking. Satellite altimetry technology can provide large range, high precision and long time series sea surface observation data. The results can well interpret the ocean geoid and gravity anomaly, and have the unparalleled advantages of traditional technology, and gradually become the main means to obtain marine gravity field data. In this paper, the data are edited and collinear processed by using geosatine ERS-1 / ERS-1 / ERS-2 / Envisato T / P / Jason-1 and Jason-2 altimetry satellite data. The data capacity is reduced effectively, and then the sea surface height value is obtained by the unification of reference ellipsoid and reference frame datum, and the moving-recovery method is adopted. Based on EGM2008 gravity field model and DNSC08 sea surface terrain model, the vertical line deviation along the orbit is obtained by using the first order difference of geoid height of adjacent high points. Then, based on the least square principle, the meridian and unitary components of the vertical line deviation of 2'脳 2 'resolution in the coastal waters of China and its adjacent areas are directly solved. Based on the inverse Vening-Meinesz formula, different ranges of residual vertical deviations and different integral radii are used to invert the gravity anomalies off the coast of China and its adjacent areas, respectively, and to compare them with the gravity data of ships selected from the Central Bohai Sea and the northern part of the East China Sea. According to the above procedure, the absolute value of residual perpendicular deviation greater than 3 "is excluded, and with 45 'integral radius, the 2' 脳 2'resolution gravity anomaly in the coastal waters of China and its adjacent areas is determined, and the accuracy is between 3.92 and 4.437mGal compared with the ship gravity data. The overall accuracy is 4.154mGal.


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