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发布时间:2018-08-06 10:46
【摘要】:随着“全球信息网格”和“数字地球”概念的提出,构建一个全球多分辨率的大规模地形场景已成为虚拟现实、战场环境仿真、国家安全、城市规划与信息化等应用领域的迫切需求。然而,随着遥感技术和信息技术的迅猛发展,地理数据的数据量呈几何式增长,因此如何实现能容纳海量数据、连续无缝的全球尺度多分辨率三维地形模型已成为进一步亟待解决的研究课题。 本文以高分辨率卫星影像和全球数字高程模型作为数据源,设计与实现了大规模球形地形实时漫游系统。研究基于球形地形的加速绘制技术,并应用到渲染系统中,大幅度提高了系统的实时绘制速度。探讨了大规模球形地形可视化的研究现状以及关键技术,介绍了地形相关的加速绘制技术。确定了以可见性剔除算法、全球多分辨率地形LOD模型简化算法以及球形地形的三维可视化作为本文的研究方向。 本文研究了全球多分辨率地形的实时绘制算法,详细的介绍了基于正六面体的全球离散格网模型的生成方法。本文在基于瓦片块四叉树算法的基础上,,结合球形地形的特点,对四叉树算法进行了改进,并提出了一种基于球形地形的格网编码方式,设计了基于GPU的全球离散格网LOD模型。研究并实现构建全球多分辨率地形LOD模型的关键技术,如裂缝处理、误差控制以及跳跃现象等。 本文研究了基于球形地形的可见性剔除算法,对基于平面地形的可见性剔除算法进行改进,使之适用于球形地形。实现了改进后的视锥裁剪算法、基于GPU的地形遮挡剔除算法,并将其应用到地形可视化系统中,大幅度的减少了每帧绘制的三角形数量,提高了系统的绘制效率。 本文设计并实现了大规模球形地形可视化系统,将研究的实时绘制算法和可见性加速算法应用到整个系统,然后介绍了算法的主要流程和模块间的关系,详细的阐述了数据调度模块,在基于扩展视锥的预加载策略的基础上,提出了一种基于视锥扩展的二级数据预加载策略。最后介绍了GPU渲染模块的主要流程和基于GPU渲染的实现细节,对整个系统进行功能和性能测试,最终实现了一个具有良好的交互性和真实感的大规模球形地形实时漫游系统。
[Abstract]:With the concept of "global information grid" and "Digital Earth", the construction of a Global Multi-resolution large-scale terrain scene has become an urgent need for virtual reality, battlefield environment simulation, national security, urban planning and information technology. However, with the rapid development of remote sensing technology and information technology, geographical data The amount of data is growing geometrically, so how to implement the multi-resolution 3D terrain model which can accommodate massive data and continuous seamless global scale has become a research topic to be solved.
In this paper, a large-scale spherical terrain real time roaming system is designed and implemented with high resolution satellite image and global digital elevation model as the data source. The acceleration rendering technology based on spherical topography is studied and applied to the rendering system. The real-time rendering speed of the system is greatly improved. The research on the visualization of large-scale spherical topography is discussed. The current situation and key technologies are introduced. The terrain related accelerated rendering technology is introduced. The visibility culling algorithm, the Global Multi-resolution Terrain LOD model simplification algorithm and the three-dimensional visualization of the spherical topography are determined.
In this paper, the real time rendering algorithm of global multi-resolution terrain is studied. The generation method of global discrete grid model based on positive hexahedron is introduced in detail. Based on the four fork tree algorithm of tile block, this paper improves the four fork tree algorithm combined with the characteristics of the spherical terrain, and proposes a grid based grid based on spherical topography. The global discrete grid LOD model based on GPU is designed, and the key technologies for building a Global Multi-resolution Terrain LOD model, such as crack treatment, error control and jumping phenomenon, are designed and implemented.
This paper studies the algorithm of visibility culling based on spherical topography, improves the visibility culling algorithm based on plane terrain, and applies it to the spherical terrain. The improved cone cutting algorithm is realized, and the terrain occlusion culling algorithm based on GPU is applied to the terrain visualization system, which greatly reduces the rendering of each frame. The number of triangles increases the rendering efficiency of the system.
In this paper, a large-scale spherical terrain visualization system is designed and implemented. The real-time rendering algorithm and the visibility acceleration algorithm are applied to the whole system. Then the main flow of the algorithm and the relationship between the modules are introduced. The data scheduling module is described in detail. On the basis of the preloading strategy based on the extended cone, a new method is proposed. Based on the two level data preloading strategy based on the visual cone extension, the main flow of the GPU rendering module and the implementation details based on the GPU rendering are introduced. The whole system is tested for function and performance, and a large scale spherical real-time roaming system with a good interactive and realistic sense is realized.


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