发布时间:2018-09-07 10:16
【摘要】:长期以来,由于自然条件或规划不合理等因素的限制,我国农村居民点基本处于粗放利用状态。农村居民点布局优化问题已引起学术界的广泛关注,成为土地科学研究的重要课题。农村居民点用地作为一种重要土地利用类型,其布局优化有利于节约土地资源和统筹城乡发展。本文以河北省昌黎县为典型研究区,利用GIS的空间分析技术,研究了昌黎县农村居民点分布特征、评价了农村居民点宜居性,并结合Voronoi图集相关理论、两步移动搜索算法和多距离空间聚类分析等定性定量研究方法,对农村居民点类型进行重构类型划分,并制定了重构优化方法与标准。主要研究工作及结论如下:(1)利用Arcgis10.0平均中心功能计算全县的几何中心、6个社会经济数据中心(总户数、总人口、人均纯收入、粮食产量、耕地面积和居民点面积)及社会经济加权中心,并结合昌黎县农村居民点标准差椭圆和加权标准差椭圆,以及Voronoi图集方法可以得出:①昌黎县境内各经济指标平均中心分布较集中,均距离几何中心较近,说明昌黎境内各乡镇社会经济发展较均衡,昌黎县社会经济加权中心处在几何中心西北部2.0km处,反映了县域西北部的人口较多,同时户数和村庄也较多,昌黎县西北部相对较为富裕;②全县的标准差椭圆长短轴相差较小,利于中心村数量的计算与选择,农村居民点分布大致呈沿昌黎-滦县、滦南交界方向、沿海方向和环县城分布的态势;③农村居民点在县域尺度上空间分布呈集聚性,乡镇尺度上,马坨店与十里铺属随机分布,居民点图斑较松散,其他大部分乡镇为集群分布。(2)进行昌黎县农村居民点宜居性评价。等级分为:高度适宜(I1),分值区间为3.2004I4.0141,有548个图斑,图斑面积为2898.98 hm2,约占农村居民点用地的20.51%,这一类农村居民点用地自然地理条件和社会经济条件均处于最优或较优状态,交通便捷,居民点用地规模较大,人口密集,距乡镇的距离较近主要分布在昌黎县城周边、主要交通道路两侧以及各个乡镇政府驻地周边;一般适宜(I2),分值区间为2.7826I3.2004,有995个图斑,图斑面积为5768.20hm2,约占农村居民点用地的40.81%,一般适宜区(I的居民点区域自然条件相对较好,交通比较便利,农民生产生活条件总体较好,主要集中在城郊区委、靖安镇、龙家店乡及十里铺乡;临界适宜(I3),分值区间为2.3177I2.7826,有966个图斑,图斑面积为4678.83hm2,约占农村居民点用地的33.10%,临界适宜区(I3)居民点主要分布在距离水源地、交通和建制镇较远的地区,导致农民的各项生产生活条件相对较差,享受到的交通、水源、通信等社会服务较少;不适宜(I4),分值区间为1.4859I2.3177,有398个图斑,图斑面积为789.08 hm2,约占农村居民点用地的5.58%。不适宜区(I居民点主要分布在昌黎县东北部碣石山附近和西南部国有林场、七里海自然保护区附近的山地、各个乡镇之间的结合部等。(3)提出了五种农村居民点重构类型、优化方法与标准提出包入式、拓展式、控制式、归并式及迁弃式共五种农村居民点重构类型,并根据不同重构类型的居民点拟定类型标准:根据城镇2km范围内农村居民点规模分布直方图,900m作为城镇中心吸引村庄的距离参考值,范围内的农村居民点都为包入式农村居民点,应城镇化;居民点规模指数在“农村居民点宜居性综合指数指标评价标准分值”中为五级(即0C100.0462)为迁弃式农村居民图斑的参考值;农村居民点宜居性评价结果为不适宜的图斑,作为归并式农村居民点图斑迁移的参考值;拓展式农村居民点图斑需满足宜居性评价结果为高度适宜、基于Voronoi图农村居民点发展优先区、所在村庄总人口1248人或村庄规模540亩这四个条件中三个条件或三个以上;农村居民点宜居性评价结果为中等宜居和临界宜居的图斑,确定作为控制式图斑迁移的参考值。进一步对拓展式和控制式农村居民点进行三次微调,达到居民点类型最佳分布状态。各类型农村居民点规模为包入式1692.23 hm2,图斑个数401个;拓展式3643.38 hm2,图斑个数114个;控制式7110.48hm2,图斑个数356个;归并式式1185.90hm2,图斑个数121个;包入式639.69 hm2,图斑个数1915个。针对五种重构类型的农村居民点提出了相应的重构优化方案及建议。
[Abstract]:For a long time, because of the limitation of natural conditions or unreasonable planning, the rural residential areas in China are basically in the state of extensive utilization. Taking Changli County of Hebei Province as a typical research area, this paper studies the distribution characteristics of rural residential areas in Changli County by using spatial analysis technology of GIS, evaluates the livability of rural residential areas, and combines Voronoi graph set theory, two-step mobile search algorithm and multi-distance spatial clustering analysis. The main research work and conclusions are as follows: (1) Using Arcgis 10.0 average central function to calculate the county's geometric center, six socio-economic data centers (total households, total population, per capita net income, grain output, farming) According to the standard deviation ellipse and weighted standard deviation ellipse of rural residential area in Changli County, and Voronoi Atlas method, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) The average center distribution of economic indicators in Changli County is more concentrated, and the average distance is closer to the geometric center, indicating the socio-economic development of towns in Changli County Changli County's socio-economic weighting center is located at 2.0 km northwest of the geometric center, reflecting a large population in the northwest of the county, at the same time the number of households and villages are more, the northwest of Changli County is relatively rich; 2. The standard deviation ellipse axis of the whole county is relatively small, which is conducive to the calculation and selection of the number of central villages, and the rural residential points. The distribution of the rural residential areas in Changli-Luanxian and Luannan borderlands is mainly along the coast and around the county town. 3. The spatial distribution of the rural residential areas in the county scale is agglomerative. On the township scale, Matuodian and Shilipu are randomly distributed, and the patches of the residential areas are loose, while most of the other townships are clustered. (2) The rural residential areas in Changli County are distributed. The grade is divided into: highly suitable (I1), the score interval is 3.2004 I4.0141, there are 548 patches, the patch area is 2898.98 hm2, accounting for 20.51% of the rural residential land. The natural geographical and socio-economic conditions of this kind of rural residential land are in the best or better state, the traffic is convenient, the scale of residential land is large, and the population is large. Densely populated, the distance from the town is mainly distributed around Changli County, both sides of the main traffic roads and around the residential areas of various township governments; generally suitable (I2), the score interval is 2.7826I3.2004, there are 995 patches, the area of patches is 5768.20hm2, accounting for about 40.81% of the rural residential land, generally suitable areas (I residential areas of natural stripes) Relatively good parts, convenient transportation, farmers'production and living conditions are generally better, mainly concentrated in suburban Party committee, Jing'an town, Longjiadian Township and Shilipu township; critical suitability (I3), score interval is 2.3177I2.7826, 966 patches, patch area is 4678.83hm2, accounting for about 33.10% of rural residential land, critical suitability area (I3) residential areas mainly. Distributing far away from the water source, traffic and construction town, farmers have relatively poor production and living conditions, enjoy less traffic, water, communications and other social services; inappropriate (I4), the score interval is 1.4859I2.3177, 398 patches, patch area is 789.08hm2, accounting for about 5.58% of rural residential land. I residential areas are mainly distributed in the northeast of Changli County near Jishishan and southwest state-owned forest farms, the mountains near Qilihai Nature Reserve, and the junction between towns and townships. According to the histogram of the size distribution of rural residential areas within 2 km of town, 900m is the distance reference value of the town center attracting villages, and the rural residential areas within the scope are all inclusive rural residential areas, which should be urbanized. The five grades (0C100.0462) are the reference values of the abandoned rural residential patches, the unsuitable patches of the rural residential patches are the reference values of the merged rural residential patches, and the expanded rural residential patches need to meet the evaluation results of the habitability. In order to be highly suitable, based on Voronoi map, the rural residential development priority area, the total population of the village is 1248 or 540 mu, three or more of these four conditions; the evaluation results of rural residential habitability are moderate and critical habitable patches, which can be used as a reference value for controlling patch migration. The scale of all types of rural residential areas is 1692.23 hm2, the number of patches is 401; the expansion type is 3643.38 hm2, the number of patches is 114; the control type is 7110.48 hm2, the number of patches is 356; the merger type is 1185.90 hm2, the number of patches is 121; the inclusion type is 639.69 hm2. Hm2, the number of patches 1915. Aiming at five types of reconstruction of rural settlements, the corresponding reconstruction optimization scheme and suggestions are put forward.
[Abstract]:For a long time, because of the limitation of natural conditions or unreasonable planning, the rural residential areas in China are basically in the state of extensive utilization. Taking Changli County of Hebei Province as a typical research area, this paper studies the distribution characteristics of rural residential areas in Changli County by using spatial analysis technology of GIS, evaluates the livability of rural residential areas, and combines Voronoi graph set theory, two-step mobile search algorithm and multi-distance spatial clustering analysis. The main research work and conclusions are as follows: (1) Using Arcgis 10.0 average central function to calculate the county's geometric center, six socio-economic data centers (total households, total population, per capita net income, grain output, farming) According to the standard deviation ellipse and weighted standard deviation ellipse of rural residential area in Changli County, and Voronoi Atlas method, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) The average center distribution of economic indicators in Changli County is more concentrated, and the average distance is closer to the geometric center, indicating the socio-economic development of towns in Changli County Changli County's socio-economic weighting center is located at 2.0 km northwest of the geometric center, reflecting a large population in the northwest of the county, at the same time the number of households and villages are more, the northwest of Changli County is relatively rich; 2. The standard deviation ellipse axis of the whole county is relatively small, which is conducive to the calculation and selection of the number of central villages, and the rural residential points. The distribution of the rural residential areas in Changli-Luanxian and Luannan borderlands is mainly along the coast and around the county town. 3. The spatial distribution of the rural residential areas in the county scale is agglomerative. On the township scale, Matuodian and Shilipu are randomly distributed, and the patches of the residential areas are loose, while most of the other townships are clustered. (2) The rural residential areas in Changli County are distributed. The grade is divided into: highly suitable (I1), the score interval is 3.2004 I4.0141, there are 548 patches, the patch area is 2898.98 hm2, accounting for 20.51% of the rural residential land. The natural geographical and socio-economic conditions of this kind of rural residential land are in the best or better state, the traffic is convenient, the scale of residential land is large, and the population is large. Densely populated, the distance from the town is mainly distributed around Changli County, both sides of the main traffic roads and around the residential areas of various township governments; generally suitable (I2), the score interval is 2.7826I3.2004, there are 995 patches, the area of patches is 5768.20hm2, accounting for about 40.81% of the rural residential land, generally suitable areas (I residential areas of natural stripes) Relatively good parts, convenient transportation, farmers'production and living conditions are generally better, mainly concentrated in suburban Party committee, Jing'an town, Longjiadian Township and Shilipu township; critical suitability (I3), score interval is 2.3177I2.7826, 966 patches, patch area is 4678.83hm2, accounting for about 33.10% of rural residential land, critical suitability area (I3) residential areas mainly. Distributing far away from the water source, traffic and construction town, farmers have relatively poor production and living conditions, enjoy less traffic, water, communications and other social services; inappropriate (I4), the score interval is 1.4859I2.3177, 398 patches, patch area is 789.08hm2, accounting for about 5.58% of rural residential land. I residential areas are mainly distributed in the northeast of Changli County near Jishishan and southwest state-owned forest farms, the mountains near Qilihai Nature Reserve, and the junction between towns and townships. According to the histogram of the size distribution of rural residential areas within 2 km of town, 900m is the distance reference value of the town center attracting villages, and the rural residential areas within the scope are all inclusive rural residential areas, which should be urbanized. The five grades (0C100.0462) are the reference values of the abandoned rural residential patches, the unsuitable patches of the rural residential patches are the reference values of the merged rural residential patches, and the expanded rural residential patches need to meet the evaluation results of the habitability. In order to be highly suitable, based on Voronoi map, the rural residential development priority area, the total population of the village is 1248 or 540 mu, three or more of these four conditions; the evaluation results of rural residential habitability are moderate and critical habitable patches, which can be used as a reference value for controlling patch migration. The scale of all types of rural residential areas is 1692.23 hm2, the number of patches is 401; the expansion type is 3643.38 hm2, the number of patches is 114; the control type is 7110.48 hm2, the number of patches is 356; the merger type is 1185.90 hm2, the number of patches is 121; the inclusion type is 639.69 hm2. Hm2, the number of patches 1915. Aiming at five types of reconstruction of rural settlements, the corresponding reconstruction optimization scheme and suggestions are put forward.
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