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发布时间:2018-10-22 18:12
[Abstract]:GPS technology has been favored by many countries because of its high positioning accuracy and all-weather real-time observation. Due to the establishment of more GPS tracking stations, geoscientists improve the solution strategy and accuracy of GPS data processing software, and use GPS observation data to apply to various geoscience research work, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, ground fractures, etc. The crustal movement, such as tsunami, has been continuously observed by the GPS station for many years, and a large amount of data have been accumulated, which provides a rich data base for the analysis of regional crustal deformation. This paper describes the development history and accuracy of ITRF frame, compares the accuracy of each frame, makes a good calculation benchmark for GPS data processing, and probes into the mixed solutions of long and short baselines in different modes and their influence on coordinate accuracy. At the same time, the time series of GPS coordinates and the horizontal velocity field of Southern California region are obtained by using the GPS continuous observation data in Southern California. The main contents and progress of this paper are as follows: (1) this paper explores the impact of different frameworks on GPS sites, and ITRF is constantly refined over time. For the data of different periods, to unify the frame, the selection of the frame plays an important role in the data solution. (2) this paper explores the mixed solution of long and short baselines, and studies the solution strategy of baselines and the convergence of baselines. When the precision requirement is high, the GPS hybrid network in large area can not be solved with long or short baselines, so it is necessary to separate the network. (3) in this paper, the time series of this area are obtained by using the data of Southern California, and the trend items are removed by analyzing and processing. Through fast Fourier transform, the annual and semi-annual periodic terms are obtained. At the same time, spectral analysis shows that there are abnormal periodic signals deviating from 1.0cpy, which may be common mode errors. Surface load, GPS unmodeled error. (4) using Southern California data, the velocity field of this area under the ITRF2008 frame is obtained, the overall velocity is 47.3 degrees west-north, and the plate motion is deducted by using Euler vector formula. Obtained relative to the North American plate speed, the overall trend north-west 41.7 degrees. With unavco website provides the result, in the trend and the order of magnitude basically consistent, the result is reliable.


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