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发布时间:2018-10-23 12:30
【摘要】:目前,地面沉降灾害已严重制约我国国民经济的发展,威胁着人民的生命、财产的安全,成为影响我国经济可持续发展的重要因素,但财力和技术水平限制了在我国进行全面的治理。地质沉降危险性区划正是基于该问题提出的,是目前地面沉降灾害研究的热点之一,对预防、减轻地面沉降意义重大。 地面沉降灾害的形成受很多因素影响,而这些因素本身具有不确定性、模糊性、复杂性等特点。本文以河北省沧州地区地面沉降为例,将GIS与模糊层次分析法(FAHP)相结合引入地面沉降危险性区划,充分发挥了GIS空间分析能力和FAHP善于多要素综合评价的长处,最大限度地将区划过程中的因素量化,,将权重判别中的主观因素与客观因素有效的结合在一起。 经过详细的野外地质调查,分析研究区的地质和水文地质环境条件以及地面沉降发育特征,本文选取粘性土层累积厚度、地面沉降速率、地面累积沉降量和人工地下水开采强度作为影响评价指标。利用模糊层析分析法确定了该四项评价因子的权重,分别为0.377,0.266,0.209,0.148。应用GIS建立了评价因子的专题图层。通过GIS空间分析功能,对各专题图层分别进行叠加分析,并结合评价模型,将研究地区划分为地面沉降高易发区、地面沉降中易发区和地面沉降低易发区。研究结果与实际情况吻合较好,表明将这两种方法耦合应用在地面沉降危险性评价方面是科学、可行的,且具较好的实用价值和应用前景。最后根据地面沉降易发性区划图,提出科学的地面沉降防治措施。
[Abstract]:At present, the land subsidence disaster has seriously restricted the development of our national economy, threatened the lives of the people and the safety of property, and has become an important factor affecting the sustainable economic development of our country. But the financial and technical level limits the overall governance in our country. Based on this problem, geological subsidence hazard zoning is one of the hot spots in the research of land subsidence disaster, which is of great significance to the prevention and mitigation of land subsidence. The formation of land subsidence disaster is affected by many factors, which are characterized by uncertainty, fuzziness and complexity. Taking the land subsidence in Cangzhou area of Hebei Province as an example, the paper introduces the combination of GIS and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) into the land subsidence risk zoning, which brings into full play the advantages of GIS spatial analysis ability and FAHP being good at multi-factor comprehensive evaluation. The factors in the process of regionalization are quantified to the maximum extent, and the subjective factors and objective factors in weight determination are effectively combined together. After detailed field geological investigation, the geological and hydrogeological environment conditions and the characteristics of land subsidence in the study area are analyzed. In this paper, the cumulative thickness of clay soil and the rate of land subsidence are selected. The accumulative subsidence of land and the exploitation intensity of artificial groundwater are the indexes of influence evaluation. The weight of the four evaluation factors was determined by fuzzy chromatographic analysis, which was 0.3770.266U 0.209U 0.148. The thematic map layer of evaluation factor was established by GIS. According to the spatial analysis function of GIS, each thematic map layer is superimposed and analyzed separately, and combined with the evaluation model, the study area is divided into high prone area of land subsidence, middle prone area of land subsidence and low prone area of land subsidence. The results are in good agreement with the actual situation, which indicates that the coupling of the two methods is scientific and feasible in the assessment of land subsidence risk, and has good practical value and application prospect. Finally, according to the land subsidence prone zoning map, scientific land subsidence prevention and treatment measures are put forward.


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