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发布时间:2018-10-23 20:21
【摘要】:国家和社会的稳定与公共安全密不可分,它关系到全民的可持续发展。经济和社会的快速发展带来了城市化、信息化的加速,城市人口越来越密集,自然灾害和重大突发性的危险日益明显。一方面,,人们对社会安全稳定的要求和重视程度越来越高。此外,现代化导致高层和超高层的建筑物越来越多,也由此带来了社会中人口密集地增多,随之而来的火灾、踩踏事件也就经常发生。因此,商场等人口密集地的疏散安全问题就显得越来越重要。 地理信息系统(Geographic Information System)能够使用计算机把我们周围的事物进行处理,最终形成图片并进行分析。地图的视觉感官和地理分析的信息可以通过GIS技术,形成数据,存储到数据库来提供给人们进行科学研究。 本设计主要利用Map移动互联网信息系统info制图软件绘制商场的电子地图。然后用Visual C++技术来开发,其中还运用了Map移动互联网信息系统,设计出了一个商场的疏散安全评估系统。主要有放大、缩小、箭头、箭头选取、手型等工具,实现了面积疏散安全评估、距离疏散安全评估、鹰眼功能、商场疏散安全评估等功能。
[Abstract]:The stability of the country and society is closely related to the public security, which is related to the sustainable development of the whole people. With the rapid development of economy and society, the urbanization, the acceleration of information, the density of urban population, the danger of natural disasters and major emergencies are becoming more and more obvious. On the one hand, people demand and attach importance to social security and stability more and more. In addition, modernization has led to more and more high-rise and super-tall buildings, which has also brought about a dense increase in the population in society, followed by fire, stampede often occur. As a result, evacuation security in densely populated areas such as shopping malls is becoming more and more important. Geographic Information system (Geographic Information System) can use computers to process things around us, ultimately to form images and analyze them. The information of map visual sense and geographical analysis can be formed by GIS technology and stored in database to provide scientific research. This design mainly uses the Map mobile Internet information system info cartography software to draw the electronic map of the shopping mall. Then it uses Visual C technology to develop, which also uses the Map mobile Internet information system, designs an evacuation security evaluation system of the shopping mall. The main tools are magnification, reduction, arrow selection, hand type, and so on. The functions of area evacuation safety assessment, distance evacuation safety evaluation, Eagle eye function, mall evacuation safety evaluation and so on are realized.


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