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发布时间:2018-10-29 11:20
【摘要】:本文提出煤矿区征迁管理应包含地下煤炭资源管理和地上征迁土地资源管理两方面,而目前的征迁管理手段是两种资源分离管理,因此,本文提出了矿地一体化征迁的概念。所谓矿地一体化征迁是指:在煤矿区征迁管理工作中,以采动损害分析为纽带,集成管理地下采矿数据与地面征迁土地规划、土地利用数据,建立地下煤炭资源和地上征迁土地资源综合监管的理论与方法体系。本文在较系统地综述了国内外征迁管理工作研究进展的基础上,重点开展了以下研究工作: 在分析传统需求描述方法缺点的基础上,采用了改进的逐步细化的用例描述和类图描述方法设计了“矿地一体化征迁信息平台(ERSP)”,并引入了相应的保证机制。采用多模式耦合的方式设计了征迁费用支付模型,既保证了业务功能的共享与重用性,又保证了其易扩展性和易修改性。 提出了基于COM插件技术的ERSP框架插件引擎设计技术,定义了该引擎的组成部分:ERSP宿主框架、ERSP插件、插件接口和框架接口,定义并实现了ERSP插件接口、ERSP框架接口,设计并开发了ERSP宿主框架,设计并开发了ERSP框架通信机制。该引擎架构使得任何一种能开发COM组件的编程语言(VC++、C#等)都可以扩展ERSP宿主框架的系统功能,该引擎不但具有稳定和易于维护的特点,而且有利于团队协作开发。 提出了征迁事件和征迁图斑的概念并设计了其网络数据交换格式与方法,程序实现了客户端DSS数据上报系统和服务器端DES数据提取系统,可以部分代替人工征迁数据上报工作。 在分析目前征迁土地利用变化常用的综合平衡法存在的缺点的基础上,,提出了一种新的征迁土地利用变化测算方法“图斑变化法”,该方法能结合用地图斑进行分析并能精细测算各用地类型变化情况及来源。设计了图斑变化法基本原理表,设计了图斑变化法的编码规则和检核规则,制定了图斑变化法分析征迁土地利用变化的基本步骤,开发了“图斑变化法征迁土地利用变化分析”测算软件。 采用自定义的点图元、三角形图元、多边形图元和三维地表模型,底层开发完成了采动损害三维可视化与分析系统MDVS,提出了一种三维地表的快速构网算法,实现了MDVS的三维模型选取与交互、两实例模型同步交互、动态模拟与叠置分析等功能。通过对格雷厄姆算法进行局部改进和对下沉盆地外接矩形的定义大幅提高了三维交互量算的算法效率。
[Abstract]:This paper puts forward that the management of coal mining area should include two aspects: underground coal resource management and land resource management of aboveground collection and relocation, and the current means of land collection and relocation management are two kinds of separate management of resources. Therefore, this paper puts forward the concept of integration of mining and land collection and relocation. The so-called integration of mining and relocation refers to: in the management of mining area, mining damage analysis is the link between the management of underground mining data and land planning and land use data. The theory and method system of comprehensive supervision of underground coal resources and aboveground land resources are established. On the basis of a systematic review of the research progress in the management of requisition and relocation at home and abroad, this paper focuses on the following research work: on the basis of analyzing the shortcomings of traditional demand description methods, The improved step-by-step use case description and class diagram description method are used to design "(ERSP)", and the corresponding guarantee mechanism is introduced. In this paper, a multi-mode coupling model is designed to ensure the sharing and reusability of business functions, as well as its scalability and modification. This paper presents the design technology of ERSP framework plug-in engine based on COM plug-in technology, defines the components of the engine: ERSP host framework, ERSP plug-in, plug-in interface and frame interface, defines and implements ERSP plug-in interface and ERSP framework interface. The ERSP host framework is designed and developed, and the communication mechanism of ERSP framework is designed and developed. The engine architecture enables any programming language (VC, C # that can develop COM components to extend the system functions of the ERSP host framework. The engine is not only stable and easy to maintain, but also conducive to team development. In this paper, the concepts of requisition and relocation events and map spots are proposed, and its network data exchange format and method are designed. The client DSS data reporting system and the server-side DES data extraction system are implemented by the program, which can partly replace the manual data reporting work. Based on the analysis of the shortcomings of the comprehensive balance method commonly used in land use change, a new land use change measurement method, "map spot change method", is put forward in this paper. This method can be used to analyze land use patterns and calculate the change of land types and sources. The basic principle table of map spot change method is designed, the coding rule and check rule of map spot change method are designed, and the basic steps of map spot change method to analyze land use change are established. A software was developed for land use change analysis by map spot change method. Based on the self-defined point element, triangle element, polygon element and 3D surface model, a 3D visualization and analysis system of mining damage, MDVS, is developed. The functions of 3D model selection and interaction of MDVS, synchronous interaction of two instance models, dynamic simulation and overlay analysis are realized. By means of the local improvement of Graham algorithm and the definition of outer rectangle of sinking basin, the efficiency of 3D interactive computation is greatly improved.


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