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基于Flex与ArcGIS Server的建设用地监管系统设计与实现

发布时间:2018-10-31 20:37
【摘要】:土地是人类开展生存和发展活动的物质基础,我国对土地资源管理施行严格的管理制度。近年来随着我国经济进入高速发展期,经济建设对土地的需求越来越大,土地供需矛盾日益显著。同时,土地管理工作中也暴露出很多问题,比如建设用地大量占用耕地、土地利用效率低等。这些突出问题,不仅直接威胁农业发展和粮食安全,而且严重阻碍我国经济继续平稳、健康、可持续化的发展。“保护耕地,控制非农业建设用地,提高土地资源节约集约利用水平”是当前国土资源管理的重要任务。 随着信息技术在土地管理中的应用,目前已有不少土地资源管理系统。但一方面,原有的土地资源管理系统采用C/S模式开发,技术相对落后,功能简单、表现形式单一,并且不易于维护和升级;另一方面,现在的土地管理工作对精细化的要求更高,现有的监管系统已经很难满足新形势下监管工作需要,迫切需要开发一个B/S模式、功能丰富、表现力强的建设用地监管系统。 本文从建设用地监管业务需求出发,采用目前主流的B/S模式WebGIS开发平台和信息化技术,对系统进行分析与设计,并开发实现了建设用地监管Web系统,具体内容如下: 1、通过查阅文献,阐述建设用地监管相关概念、Flex技术与ArcGIS Server框架以及系统开发关键技术。为后续建设用地监管系统分析设计,以及开发实现奠定理论基础。 2、建设用地监管系统分析。对系统建设目标和系统需求展开分析,包括对系统用户角色类型,业务管理需求深入分析,明确系统开发所要实现的功能。由于建设用地监管涉及多个环节,分析各个环节中业务发流程。 3、建设用地监管系统设计。在理论与技术研究基础上,依据系统分析,对建设用地监管系统框架、功能模块、界面以及数据库展开设计。设计监管指标体系,为监管标准化提供科学依据。 4、建设用地监管系统开发与实现。介绍系统开发环境和实现原理,并对系统主要功能作出介绍和展示。 基于本研究设计开发实现的Web版武汉市建设用地动态监管系统,将于7月份在武汉市东湖新技术开发区投入使用,届时将在建设用地审查报批、批后动态管理等工作中常态化应用。目前正在对系统功能进一步升级和完善。它将为政府及时掌握土地资源利用情况,发展经济和调整土地利用方向提供科学依据和强力保障。
[Abstract]:Land is the material basis for human beings to carry out survival and development activities. Our country carries out strict management system for land resources management. In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy, the demand for land in economic construction is increasing, and the contradiction between supply and demand of land is becoming more and more obvious. At the same time, land management also exposed a lot of problems, such as construction land occupied a large amount of arable land, low land use efficiency and so on. These outstanding problems not only directly threaten the development of agriculture and food security, but also seriously hinder the steady, healthy and sustainable development of our economy. It is an important task to protect cultivated land, control non-agricultural construction land and improve the level of saving and intensive utilization of land resources. With the application of information technology in land management, there are many land resource management systems. But on the one hand, the original land resource management system uses C / S mode development, the technology is relatively backward, the function is simple, the expression form is single, and is not easy to maintain and upgrade; On the other hand, the current land management work requires more refinement. The existing regulatory system is already very difficult to meet the needs of the supervision work under the new situation. It is urgent to develop a B / S model with rich functions. Strong performance of the construction land regulatory system. Based on the demand of construction land supervision business, this paper analyzes and designs the system by using the current mainstream B / S mode WebGIS development platform and information technology, and develops and realizes the construction land supervision Web system. The specific contents are as follows: 1. By consulting the literature, this paper expounds the related concepts of construction land supervision, Flex technology and ArcGIS Server framework, as well as the key technologies of system development. It lays a theoretical foundation for the following analysis and design of construction land supervision system, as well as development and realization. 2. System analysis of construction land supervision. The purpose and requirement of system construction are analyzed, including the type of user role, the requirement of business management, and the function of system development. As construction land supervision involves a number of links, analysis of business processes in each link. 3. Design of supervision system for construction land. On the basis of theoretical and technical research and system analysis, the framework, function modules, interface and database of construction land supervision system are designed. Design supervision index system to provide scientific basis for supervision standardization. 4. Development and realization of construction land supervision system. The system development environment and realization principle are introduced, and the main functions of the system are introduced and displayed. Based on this research, the Web dynamic supervision system for construction land in Wuhan will be put into use in July in the new technology development zone of Donghu in Wuhan, and will be submitted for approval in the review of construction land. Regular application in post-batch dynamic management. At present, the system function is being further upgraded and improved. It will provide scientific basis and strong guarantee for the government to grasp the utilization of land resources, develop economy and adjust the direction of land use.


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