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发布时间:2018-11-01 14:48
【摘要】:海岛礁是海洋开发的重要基地和走向外海和大洋的“岛桥”。精确的海岛礁基础地理空间信息是海岛海洋管理、经济开发、海防安全的重要依据。由于历史原因及技术限制,我国海岛礁精确基础地理信息仍是空白。远海岛礁测绘与地理环境变化监测是一项利国利民的大事,是捍卫国家主权和领土完整的重要手段。机动灵活、成本较低的低空轻小型无人机进行影像获取能够高效获取影像,在远海岛礁测绘中优势明显。POS系统明显的优势和诱人的前景引起了国内外不少公司、科研院所和学者的关注,针对POS系统开展了一系列的研究和试验,取得了良好的效果。但是基于轻小型无人机与小型POS集成相关技术研究和试验仍然是空白,急需进行相关的技术研究和试验验证工作,使小型POS系统在低空遥感领域发挥应有的作用,为我国远海岛礁测绘提供可靠的测绘技术保障。针对我国海岛礁精确基础地理信息空白的现状,开展了基于轻小型无人机MEMS POS辅助航空摄影测量系统的集成、安装、测试及南海某岛礁1:2000高精度测图精度验证实验,结果表明使用轻小型无人机MEMS POS辅助航空摄影测量系统无控制时暂时难以达到高精度测图的精度要求,但是加入少量控制点时可以明显的提高测图精度。在此基础上给出基于轻小型无人机MEMS POS辅助航空摄影测量技术在远海岛礁高精度测图中的合理性建议。
[Abstract]:The sea island reef is the important base of the ocean development and the "island bridge" to the outer sea and the ocean. Accurate basic geospatial information of islands and reefs is an important basis for ocean management, economic development and coastal defense safety. Due to historical reasons and technical constraints, the accurate basic geographic information of the islands and reefs in China is still blank. Mapping of islands and reefs and monitoring of geographical environment change in the far sea is an important matter for the benefit of the country and the people, and an important means to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity. The low altitude light and small UAV, which is flexible and low cost, can obtain images efficiently and has obvious advantages in the mapping of distant islands and reefs. The obvious advantages and attractive prospects of POS system have caused many companies at home and abroad. The research institutes and scholars have carried out a series of research and experiments on POS system, and achieved good results. However, the research and test of the technology based on the integration of small and light UAV and small POS is still blank. It is urgent to carry out relevant technical research and experimental verification work, so that the small POS system can play its due role in the field of low altitude remote sensing. It provides reliable technical guarantee for the mapping of distant islands and reefs in our country. In view of the present situation of accurate basic geographic information blank in China, the integration, installation, test and verification experiment of 1: 2000 high precision mapping accuracy of a certain island reef in the South China Sea based on MEMS POS aided aerial photogrammetry system for light and small UAV are carried out. The results show that it is difficult to meet the precision requirement of high precision mapping when the MEMS POS aided aerial photogrammetry system of light and small UAV is not controlled, but the precision of mapping can be obviously improved by adding a small number of control points. On the basis of this, the reasonable suggestion of MEMS POS aided aerial photogrammetry based on light and small UAV in high precision mapping of distant islands and reefs is given.


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