[Abstract]:In this paper, the forest vegetation in Chaoyang District of Beijing was classified by using high score image and the coniferous forest and broad-leaved forest were extracted by combining remote sensing technology and geographic information system technology, taking the Olympic Forest Park in Chaoyang District of Beijing as the research object. The 3D green quantity is retrieved by remote sensing and the real data of the field survey are used to calculate the 3D green quantity in this area. In this paper, the vegetation information is extracted and classified from the No. 2 image of the Olympic Forest Park in Chaoyang District, Beijing in August 2016. By using multivariate regression analysis, the 3D green quantity inversion model of the target area is established, and the three-dimensional green quantity estimation of the Olympic Forest Park in Chaoyang District is carried out through the model, and the thematic map of the distribution of green quantity in Chaoyang District is established. The main results of this study are as follows: (1) based on the high score 2 images in March, June and August 2016 and the landsat 8 image in August 2016, combined with the field survey in September and October 2016, By using the method of sampling and principal component analysis, the target area was estimated by remote sensing, and the inversion regression models of broad-leaved forest and coniferous forest based on high-score 2 image were obtained, respectively, and the residual sample data used for verification were used to verify the regression model of broad-leaved forest and coniferous forest. The accuracy of the model is 85.03% and 80.40% respectively. Therefore, the model can meet the demand. (2) the model of coniferous forest and broad-leaved forest in the park and the vegetation classification information based on high-score image are established separately. The total three dimensional green quantity of the broad-leaved forest in the Olympic Forest Park is 506899.34 mm2 and that of the coniferous forest is 215928.47 mm3, and the total three-dimensional green quantity of the Olympic Park in Beijing is 722827.81 mm3. At the same time, the vegetation distribution state of the north and south orchard is obtained, that is, the south garden has carried out a lot of artificial intervention, but there is space for development in the north garden area. (3) in this study, two important factors in vegetation ecological evaluation, namely, ecological carbon sequestration and air purification, are used. The carbon sequestration effect and air purification effect of the Olympic Park are obtained by ecological benefit evaluation. It is concluded that the Olympic Park has a better effect on reducing carbon dioxide and PM10 in the air by conversion. The ecological effects were 1.178 million yuan and 1.254 million yuan respectively.
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