[Abstract]:This paper aims at establishing the database system of marine survey, and discusses the contents of the survey and the construction of the marine information system combined with the present situation of the information construction of the sea management at home and abroad and the relevant standards of the marine survey in our country. Based on the analysis of the relevant rules of marine survey and the actual situation of Hebei Province, this paper probes into the problems such as the inconsistency of sea area formalities with Zonghai, no legal formalities, reclamation, cancellation of sea, and so on. The database, system modules and system functions of the marine survey system are designed based on the analysis of the users' needs. The composition of sea area management database, sea area usage management database, sea area functional regionalization database and sea area basic geographic database are put forward, and the data spatial reference, attribute definition and data coding are standardized. The database system meets the needs of sea managers and survey staff for the storage, change and management of Zonghai. Using Arc GIS Engine platform and C # language development environment, the management information system of sea register is constructed and tested. The system meets the needs of the staff of Hebei Provincial Oceanic Bureau and its subordinate counties (cities, districts) to the management, inquiry, statistics and data entry of Zonghai. It also meets the requirements of input, modification, query, statistical analysis and so on. Based on the analysis of the composition of the survey data, this paper puts forward the operational mode of collecting the provincial data at the county level, and studies the content, the form of the data organization and the method of quality control of the data collected at the county level. Using GIS theory, this paper discusses the data quality check, summary method, process and so on.
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