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发布时间:2018-11-06 07:32
【摘要】:地表覆盖及变化作为人类社会经济活动的产物,直接影响着地表环境和地理地貌等,是全球变化研究、气候变化预测、生态环境评估、地理国情监测、宏观调控分析等不可或缺的重要基础信息。目前的地表覆盖信息都是通过遥感影像获取,然后由专业技术人员进行解译,制图,发布在网上。由于地理环境的复杂性,,地貌的多样性,有些影像无法确认甚至确认错误,而且专业技术人员去现场又不太现实,所以需要社会大众共同参与,交流互动,来完成数据的检核,达到能被用户使用,为广大用户服务的目的。 针对这个问题,本文研究的重点是采集样本,收集数据,跟地表覆盖网络化交互验证系统结合,在网络上提供平台,供社会大众参与,互相交流,共同验证数据的可靠性,为此做了以下研究工作: (1)分析交互验证系统在地表覆盖变化信息服务中的需求,指出了传统的Web服务模型在变化信息识别、交流互动、数据验证方面存在的缺陷;在对国内外相关研究现状分析的基础上,提出了基于富客户端技术的网络化手段、验证数据标准分析、数据库的设计等问题。 (2)针对网络化交流互动问题,本文采用基于富客户端技术的结构框架。对富客户端技术和开发进行了介绍和分析,以及所包括的内容,并且提出了需要采用哪种方法来实现;Web2.0技术是对空间型博客有重要支撑作用,也是解决了用户之间互动性的问题。 (3)针对地理地貌特征的复杂多样性,对于地表覆盖信息,本文提出了验证数据的分类标准;总体上可以分为四大类,分别是人造覆盖、水体、耕地、裸地、林、灌、草;对每一类的典型形态和影像特征进行了分析,为验证数据提供了参考标准。 (4)本文数据库采用SQLServer2005,在数据库设计上分为用户权限数据库和验证数据数据库;用户权限数据库采用基于角色访问控制方法,E-RBAC模型,用户,角色,用户组,权限;验证数据数据库在设计上考虑了用户的层级,数据的来源与质量问题,并预留了可扩展空间,解决了地表覆盖信息的验证问题。 (5)在以上研究内容的基础上,开发出了地表覆盖网络化交互验证系统。采用微软的Visual Studio2008作为开发平台和开发环境,ASP.NET和C#作为开发语言,实现了网络化标注、地图浏览、用户之间交流互动,并以长春市朝阳公园水体为例,在数据验证方面取得了比较理想的效果,并改进了专业技术人员参与的机制。 通过实验得出,地表覆盖网络化交互验证系统在多用户共同参与下,能够明显看出水体的减少,以及参考评论和打分,基本实现了遥感数据的验证。
[Abstract]:As a product of human social and economic activities, land surface cover and change directly affect the surface environment and geographical landforms. They are the research of global change, the prediction of climate change, the assessment of ecological environment, the monitoring of geographical national conditions, etc. Macro-control analysis and other essential basic information. At present, land cover information is obtained from remote sensing images, then interpreted, mapped and posted online by professional technicians. Because of the complexity of the geographical environment and the diversity of the landforms, some images cannot confirm or even confirm errors, and it is not very realistic for professional and technical personnel to go to the scene, so it is necessary for the community to participate and interact with each other in order to complete the verification of the data. Can be used by users, for the purpose of serving the majority of users. In order to solve this problem, the focus of this paper is to collect samples, collect data, combine with the interactive verification system of surface covering network, provide a platform on the network for the participation of the public, exchange with each other, and jointly verify the reliability of the data. The following research work is done: (1) analyze the requirement of interactive verification system in land cover change information service, and point out the defects of traditional Web service model in change information identification, exchange interaction and data verification; Based on the analysis of the current research situation at home and abroad, the network means based on rich client technology, the analysis of verification data standard, the design of database and so on are put forward. (2) aiming at the problem of network communication and interaction, this paper adopts a framework based on rich client technology. The rich client technology and development are introduced and analyzed, as well as the contents included. Web2.0 technology plays an important role in supporting spatial blog, and it also solves the problem of interaction between users. (3) in view of the complex diversity of geographical and geomorphologic features, this paper puts forward a classification standard for the ground cover information, which can be divided into four categories: artificial cover, water body, cultivated land, bare land, forest, irrigation, grass; The typical morphology and image features of each class are analyzed, which provides a reference standard for verifying the data. (4) the database of this paper is divided into user authority database and authentication database in database design by using SQLServer2005, the user permission database adopts role-based access control method, E-RBAC model, user, role, user group, permission; In the design of the verification database, the user level, the source and the quality of the data are considered, and the extensible space is reserved to solve the verification problem of the surface coverage information. (5) based on the above research contents, a networked interactive verification system for surface cover is developed. Using Microsoft's Visual Studio2008 as the development platform and environment, ASP.NET and C # as the development language, realizing the network marking, map browsing, and the interaction between users, and taking the water body of Chaoyang Park in Changchun as an example. In the aspect of data verification, the better results are obtained, and the mechanism of professional and technical personnel participation is improved. The experimental results show that the surface cover networked interactive verification system with the participation of multiple users can clearly see the decrease of water body, as well as the reference comments and marks, and basically realize the verification of remote sensing data.


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