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发布时间:2018-11-10 23:53
【摘要】:测绘学科作为一个实践性和技术性较强的学科,有自身的教学特点。一是实习教学在整个教学过程中占的比重比较大,需要学生有较强的动手能力和操作能力。二是需要符合实习条件的实习教学基地。我校测绘学院整体搬往玉龙校区之前,,玉龙校区并无符合条件的测绘成果,甚至连有效的控制网都没有,根本无法进行有效的测绘教学实习,教学实践质量也无法得到保证。 本文主要是阐述我校校园测量控制网数字化建设的规划和实施过程及对校园测量控制网数字化管理的探讨。结合相关教学培养方案中的实验实习项目的要求和新校区实际的地形情况合理规划布设校园测量控制网,使其分布密度和点位形式最优化;采用了GPS、数字水准仪、全站仪等先进的测量技术,实施建设了一个高综合性的校园测量控制网,其坐标系统和高程系统与国家坐标系统和高程系统相一致,使教学、科研与生产相融合,为建立数字化校园提供基础资料,为进行测量科学研究提供基础,为校园建设与改造提供帮助。对校园测量控制网的数字化管理进行探讨,并讨论控制网数字化管理系统的可行性与必要性。通过进行详细务实的系统需求分析,完成系统的总体功能设计、功能设计。探讨系统实现的关键技术,并实现了其设计的功能,对系统所实现的各种功能进行详细的展示。
[Abstract]:As a practical and technical discipline, surveying and mapping has its own teaching characteristics. First, the practice teaching takes a large proportion in the whole teaching process, which requires students to have strong practical ability and operation ability. Second, it is necessary to meet the practice conditions of the practice teaching base. Before our school moved to Yulong campus as a whole, Yulong campus did not have the qualified surveying and mapping achievement, even had no effective control network, could not carry on the effective surveying and mapping teaching practice, the teaching practice quality could not be guaranteed either. This paper mainly expounds the planning and implementation process of the digitalization construction of the campus survey and control network in our school and discusses the digital management of the campus survey and control network. According to the requirements of the experimental practice project in the related teaching and training program and the actual topographic situation of the new campus, the campus survey control network is reasonably planned and set up to optimize the distribution density and the spot form. By using advanced surveying techniques such as GPS, digital level and total station, a high comprehensive campus survey and control network is constructed. The coordinate system and elevation system are consistent with the national coordinate system and elevation system, so that the teaching can be made. The combination of scientific research and production can provide basic data for the establishment of digital campus, provide the basis for scientific research of measurement, and provide help for the construction and transformation of campus. This paper discusses the digital management of campus survey and control network, and discusses the feasibility and necessity of the digital management system of the control network. Through the detailed and practical system requirements analysis, complete the overall function design, functional design. The key technology of the system is discussed, and the function of its design is realized. The various functions of the system are shown in detail.


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