[Abstract]:In recent years, with the improvement of GPS system and auxiliary system, as well as the development of related positioning and manufacturing technology, GPS not only plays an irreplaceable role in military, professional measurement and timing, but also plays an increasingly important role in civilian field. Civilian GPS chips are embedded in various carriers such as mobile phones and automobiles to provide real-time location information to users. In order to improve the usability of navigation and to ensure the accurate location in the street, forest and indoor scenes, the research on the continuity integrity of seamless links between indoor and outdoor navigation has become a hot topic day by day. The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) the system model of vector tracking based on extended Kalman filter is established. The analytical expressions of model parameters are derived. In order to initialize the tracking loop, the receiver must re-enter the acquisition stage when the navigation signal is blocked for a period of time, and the acquisition takes a lot of time and cannot provide a continuous positioning service. In order to further improve the navigation performance of user receivers in harsh environments, a vector tracking technique based on extended Kalman filter is proposed in this paper, which does not require external auxiliary information. The software algorithm is used to deeply mine and make full use of the relevant information between different satellite signals, and the signal tracking and positioning navigation solutions are combined together, which improves the ability of each channel of the receiver to track the satellite signal. Compared with the traditional tracking methods, vector tracking has the advantages of tracking weaker satellite signals, bridging the instantaneous occluded satellite signals, and tolerating the high dynamic of users. (2) A hybrid base-satellite location algorithm based on secondary scattering model is proposed. In order to ensure the integrity of navigation signal coverage, this paper studies how to use terrestrial wireless devices (base station, WIFI,CELL-ID, etc.) to complete positioning when there are fewer than 4 satellites. Based on the analysis of ground radio signal transmission characteristics and geometric precision factor (GDOP), a new method of satellite-base station hybrid location is proposed. Considering the influence of non-direct wave (NLOS), the scatterer is used as a virtual base station to model and analyze the positioning error caused by NLOS. Based on the GDOP analysis, the optimal base-satellite positioning combination is selected to suppress the multipath error. Improving location Precision Factor (DOP). The mathematical analysis and simulation of the algorithm show that this method has higher accuracy and robustness than the traditional hybrid localization method.
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