[Abstract]:With the development of spatial geodetic technology and the abundance of data types, how to effectively fuse all kinds of observation data for joint adjustment to obtain useful information of different types of observation data and obtain reliable adjustment results has become a hot research topic. However, most of the joint adjustment results are based on Gauss-Markov model expansion (it is considered that only observation vectors contain random errors). In many cases, the coefficient matrix is also affected by random errors. Therefore, a more reasonable method should consider the variable containing error model (errors-in-variables,EIV). The existing joint adjustment methods have the following shortcomings: (1) the joint adjustment method is solved under the least square adjustment criterion. In practice, the coefficient matrix is also composed of observation data with random errors; (2) in solving the joint adjustment, the majority of literatures regard all kinds of data as equal weight ratio, that is to say, the proportion of all kinds of data in the joint adjustment is assumed to be the same. In view of the above problems, this paper applies the total least square method to the joint adjustment problem, and uses the relative weight ratio (the weight ratio factor) to balance the proportion between two or more kinds of data. The estimation formula of model parameters under the general least square combined adjustment criterion is derived, and the determination method of relative weight ratio in joint adjustment is explored. The combined adjustment method is applied to the volcanic deformation of the Mogi model, and the application of the derivation method to the practical problems is verified. The specific research contents are as follows: 1. The fusion of different types of data is the basic problem of geodetic data processing. The weighted global least square adjustment method for multiple observation data is derived. In the determination of relative weight ratio, several schemes are designed, and the weight ratio is determined by combining the prior unit weight variance method and the discriminant function minimization method. The results show that the prior unit weight variance method is suitable for the case where the prior information of the data is relatively accurate. When the prior information is not accurate, the discriminant function minimization method can obtain better parameter estimation results. 2. In view of the fact that the discriminant function is not unique, the empirical discriminant function is used to determine the weight ratio. In this paper, a weighted population least squares combined adjustment method with adaptive weight ratio factor is derived, and the Helmert variance component estimation formula suitable for weighted population least squares combined adjustment is given. The model parameters are obtained by adaptively solving the proportion of different kinds of observation data participating in the joint adjustment. The simulation results show that the proposed weighted population least squares combined adjustment method with adaptive weight ratio factor can obtain the same adjustment results as the existing least square variance component estimation method. It is better than the least square combined adjustment and the weighted total least squares combined adjustment without weight ratio factor. Compared with the existing least square variance component estimation method, the derivation method has higher computational efficiency. By combining In SAR and GPS data, the derivation method is applied to the inversion of L'Aquila seismic slip distribution, and the weighted total least squares combined adjustment method with the least square combined adjustment method is compared with the least squares combined adjustment method. Based on the study of joint adjustment and the determination of weight ratio by minimization of discriminant function, the application of total least squares combined adjustment method in inversion of Mogi model of Tianchi volcano in Changbai Mountain is systematically studied. According to the nonlinear characteristics of the model, the method of calculating the cofactor matrix between the observation vector and the coefficient matrix is given for the linearization of the model. The results show that the proposed method can obtain reasonable estimation results of pressure source parameters and has certain practical application value.
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