[Abstract]:With the development of sensor technology, the ground resolution acquired by remote sensing image has been improved in recent years. As a result, more and more ground detail is clearly displayed by the remote sensing image, and the ability of the remote sensing image to describe the details of the ground is increasing. The high-resolution remote sensing image has high spatial resolution and less spectral resolution, leading to the fact that the traditional remote sensing image processing technology can not perform better analysis and processing on the high-resolution remote sensing image, and a new challenge is put forward for the processing technology of the remote sensing image. However, for remote sensing images with high spatial resolution, through the observation of the human eye, it is possible to easily recognize and recognize a wide variety of features and their complex details in the cognitive image. The human visual sense can make all-round observation and cognition of the high-resolution remote sensing image from the aspects of color, texture, and shape. According to this feature, this paper attempts to recognize and recognize the high-resolution remote sensing image by simulating the image processing capability of the human eye. In particular, it mainly includes the following aspects: 1. Based on the visual nerve sense theory, a high-resolution remote sensing image segmentation method for simulating the visual perception is presented. The method comprises the following steps of: starting from a plurality of visual perception characteristics, carrying out detailed analysis on the spectrum, the texture and the detail of the remote sensing image through the non-supervised mathematical and image processing tools, and establishing a remote sensing image segmentation model for simulating the visual perception capability of the human eyes, and obtaining the segmentation result with good regional consistency and strong detail description ability, so as to realize the recognition and analysis of the high-resolution remote sensing image. and according to the actual test, the values of a plurality of parameters in the segmentation model are tested, analyzed and summed to obtain the law of the value of the parameters. based on the shape and structure of the road, the method has the best segmentation ability and the segmentation result is similar to that of the human eye. A method of shape analysis for road extraction based on visual perception is proposed. according to the characteristic of the road on the high-score remote sensing image, the ground target of the suspected road on the image is analyzed from the angle of the shape, the road target with the long-line property and the mesh-like linear structure is found, and the shape separation model is established, so that the non-linear non-road information is separated, and the complete road information is finally obtained. and according to the actual test, the values of different parameters in the road extraction method are tested, analyzed and summed to obtain the law of the value of the parameters. The road extraction experiment is carried out on the high-resolution aerial image of a complex urban area with complex road distribution, and the road information is compared with the reference road information. The method can correctly recognize the road, and proves that the road extraction algorithm proposed by the invention can be fast and reliable in a complex ground environment, The method of building shape based on the visual perception is put forward based on the human eye's basic cognition of the shape. According to the method, the shape of a building is characterized and recognized in a plurality of parameters from a plurality of shape angles in a manner of a plurality of parameters from a plurality of shape angles, and the shape of the building is recognized. Through a series of parameter performance tests, the test, evaluation and analysis of the shape cognition ability of different parameters are carried out, the characteristics and the methods of using the parameters are summarized and summarized, and a scientific and reasonable shape cognition method is developed according to the performance of different parameters. in that invention, a shape-based building extraction experiment is carry out on the high-resolution aerial image of the real urban area, the shape analysis is carried out on the segmentation result of the image, and a building extraction result which is consistent with the visual perception of the human eye can be obtained, It is proved that the building shape cognitive parameters proposed in this paper can be used to describe and cognize the building features in a simple and accurate way.
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