[Abstract]:Snowmelt runoff, on the one hand, is one of the important sources of fresh water resources in the middle and high latitudes and mountainous areas; on the other hand, under certain conditions, it causes great damage to local people's lives, property and industrial and agricultural production facilities in the form of snowmelt floods. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and study the formation mechanism of snowmelt runoff so as to provide important decision support for local flood control, drought resistance and water resources utilization. The establishment of snowmelt hydrological model and snowmelt runoff forecasting system is the main way to simulate the process of runoff formation, flood prevention and drought prevention and water resources allocation and management. Because the formation process of snowmelt runoff is influenced by vegetation, snow characteristics, seasonal frozen soil and other hydrological and meteorological factors, a distributed snowmelt runoff model (ARSSVM:Arid Region Soil-Snow-Vegetation snowmelt hydrology Model),) is constructed in this paper. At the same time, we design and develop the short and medium term snowmelt runoff forecasting information system in Xinjiang. Finally, we use the system to forecast and simulate the snowmelt runoff process in the Juntang Lake River basin in spring. Based on the characteristics of snowmelt runoff process in Xinjiang in spring, and based on the analysis of the processes of water and heat exchange among vegetation canopy, snow cover and soil, and the convergence process of snowmelt production in Xinjiang, the atmospheric numerical prediction data are used in this paper. The ARSSVM model is established for remote sensing data. Then, based on .NET technology and SuperMap GIS development platform, we design and develop a unified snowmelt runoff forecasting information platform with unified interface and general function. Finally, taking the Juntang Lake Basin as the typical research area, the paper introduces the ARSSVM model module into the system, and simulates and forecasts the snowmelt runoff process in the spring of 2011 and 2013 by using the system. The simulation results in 2011 show that the trend of the simulated flow process line matches the measured flow process line, and the overall simulation efficiency coefficient of the model is 83.90.The peak error of Hong Feng is basically controlled within 30%. At the same time, the forecast precision grade of snowmelt runoff in 2013 is Grade B. On the one hand, the feasibility and applicability of the snowmelt runoff forecast information platform designed in this paper are illustrated. On the other hand, it also shows that the ARSSVM model can forecast and simulate the spring snowmelt runoff and flood process, and provide important reference for the prevention of snowmelt flood and the management of snowmelt water resources.
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