[Abstract]:Because UAVs have many advantages, such as light weight, small volume, convenient transportation, short mapping period, low cost, and can reach dangerous areas that can not be accessed by people, they are favored in many fields. Especially in large scale mapping operations have more advantages. UAV is not only a sublimation of satellite remote sensing, but also a supplement to geodesy. With the widespread application of UAV in surveying and mapping, the rapid and effective stitching and DEM production of UAV images are becoming more and more important. However, UAVs also have some defects, such as large airflow, unstable attitude, large rotation angle, low precision of POS, small image, large number of photos and so on, which lead to slow or even failure of image registration. Especially in the earthquake relief and the urgent need of mapping for field painting, it can not meet the requirements of the rapid combination of images and the production of various additional products. Based on the characteristics of UAV image, combined with the two main problems encountered in production, the POS accuracy is not high and the overlap or attitude angle of the image can not meet the requirements of traditional aerial triangulation. This paper mainly aims at the above two problems to do a preliminary study, and put forward solutions. In view of the first problem, the matching failure caused by the POS problem, this paper proposes a method to set and correct the initial value of the POS line element. Firstly, the feature extraction of image is carried out by SIFT operator, then based on Euclidean distance matching, the initial value of image POS line element is given according to the principle that the coordinate of model point corresponding to the same name point is approximately equal, and then the initial value is corrected by relative orientation of continuous method. The new POS line element is calculated. It is again applied to the empty triple encryption software to assist in the matching and subsequent work. In addition, for the second problem, when the UAV sequence images do not meet three degrees of overlap and small angles, according to the traditional space three flow can not complete the relative orientation and image stitching, In this paper, we propose a method to detect feature points by using SURF operator, extract descriptor by SIFT operator, eliminate mismatch by RANSAC, and use similar transform and affine transform respectively. The projective transformation is used to establish the geometric transformation model. It is found that the projective transformation is the most accurate and is more suitable for the joint of UAV images. The parameters of the model are optimized by using the LM local optimization algorithm without the need of POS and camera calibration data. Fast matching and stitching can be achieved as long as the overlapped images (large angle or overlapped degree can not meet the requirements of photogrammetric production). Finally, the POS data can be used for the simple geographical registration of the large mosaic images, and then after resampling, the images will have approximate coordinate information, which is of far-reaching significance for emergency disasters and field mapping guidance work.
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