[Abstract]:The study of river health originated in the 1980s. At that time, with the rapid development of urbanization and industrialization, the river pollution problem was more serious, people began to pay attention to the river health problem gradually. In recent years, the attention to river health has been increasing, especially with the urban water pollution gradually getting attention, river health has been paid more attention in our country. One of the key problems of river health is how to evaluate river health effectively and how to improve it. As a spatial analysis tool and technology, GIS (Geographic Information system) (GeographicInformation System, GIS) has been applied more and more in natural resources and environmental protection and management in recent years. It also provides an effective technical method for river health assessment. On the basis of the previous research of the author's research group and the research results of river health evaluation at home and abroad, this paper improves the index system of river health evaluation in mountainous cities. Then, the GIS of mountain city river health evaluation is developed, and the main achievements are as follows: (1) the index system of mountain city river health evaluation and its comprehensive evaluation method are modified and perfected. According to the requirement of GIS evaluation, the standardized treatment method of evaluation index is determined, and the weight of each index is determined by combination weight method. (2) based on the analysis of healthy GIS of mountainous city rivers, the design objectives and principles of the system are determined on the basis of ArcGIS, and the overall structure design, function design, database and model base construction of the system are carried out. Based on Arc Engine secondary development package and C # programming language, a mountain city river health evaluation system is developed. The system is composed of database, model base, GIS function module and visual interface. It realizes the basic view function, the effective management of spatial data and the automation and visualization of river health evaluation. (3) the application of the system to the health evaluation of Taohua River basin in Changshou district of Chongqing was carried out, and the corresponding management suggestions were put forward. The application and evaluation results show that the developed GIS platform can be combined with terrain and spatial features, and the evaluation results can be obtained quickly. The comprehensive health evaluation scores of Taohua River in Changshou District are mainly between 50-67 points. As a whole, the system is in the condition of sub-health and partial health, which indicates that the system is feasible.
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