[Abstract]:The spectral characteristics of ground objects is the basis of quantitative analysis of remote sensing and an important part of the basic research of remote sensing. It is also the basis of remote sensing detection, the key basis of optimal combination of remote sensing band, the basis of remote sensing information extraction and ground object recognition, which is the precondition of quantitative remote sensing research. Field measured spectral data is an indispensable step for quantitative analysis of remote sensing. Management and analysis of measured spectral data can improve the utilization level of remote sensing information. We determine the techniques and methods of field spectral data acquisition, spectral data processing and feature extraction. According to the system application requirements and business processes, the system function modules, system architecture and database data specifications, data storage, The data model and the physical structure of the data table are designed, and the spectral database of typical features in Qinghai Lake Basin is established in SQL Server 2008. The spectral database system is developed by using C # language under the development environment of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. The functions of spectral data management, query, display and contrast analysis are realized. System login can be divided into two ways: administrator login and user login, in which administrator can manage system users effectively. Data management is the basic function of the system to effectively browse spectral data, data addition is an important function of the system, it can add new spectral data to the system. Query and display is the core function of the system. According to the method of sampling point number, the single spectral curve and related main attribute information are displayed. Data contrast analysis is an upgrade of query display function. Two spectral curves can be displayed at the same interface at the same time.
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