[Abstract]:The large-scale vacuum debugging platform is a kind of simulation test equipment, which is used to adjust the test state of satellite camera in vacuum simulation tank. It is the key equipment of photoelectric comprehensive performance test of satellite camera. The large-scale vacuum debugging platform has the characteristics of large bearing capacity, large structure size, low-temperature vacuum (5 脳 10 ~ (- 5) Pa,100K) operating environment and so on. According to the technical index of the large-scale vacuum debugging platform, the overall structure design is completed in this paper. Based on the theory of multi-body system dynamics, the error modeling and analysis of the large-scale vacuum debugging platform is carried out, which provides a theoretical basis for the structural design and error allocation of the debugging platform. Firstly, the mechanical structure design of the large-scale vacuum debugging platform is completed. According to the technical indexes put forward by the user, the design of the mechanical platform is carried out, including frame structure design, driving scheme design, measurement element selection and so on. A series of problems, such as material selection, anti-cold welding treatment, thermal control system design and so on, are solved according to the special use environment of equipment at low temperature and vacuum. Secondly, the finite element method is used to optimize the design of the frame structure. The topology optimization design of the base is carried out, and the topology optimization based on the linear statics structure is realized, and the optimal material layout mode of the base in force transmission is obtained. The dimension optimization design of the horizontal moving platform is carried out. The effects of the thickness of the bottom plate and the thickness of the reinforcement plate on the total mass, the maximum deformation and the maximum stress are analyzed, and the optimum dimension parameters satisfying the light weight under the conditions of strength and stiffness are obtained. Thirdly, based on multi-body system dynamics, the error model of large-scale vacuum debugging platform is deduced and simulated. In view of the structure and working principle of the large-scale vacuum debugging platform, the errors affecting the position accuracy and attitude accuracy of the equipment are analyzed, and the position error and attitude error models are derived by means of multi-body system dynamics. This paper presents a method to measure the effect of multi-factors on the system precision, and uses Matlab simulation to analyze the influence of each factor on the position and pose error, which provides a theoretical basis for the allocation of system error and the design of structure. Finally, the test of large-scale vacuum debugging platform is completed. According to the technical requirements, the rotary error and straightness error of the developed debugging platform are tested, and it is proved that the precision of the mechanical platform meets the requirements of the design index.
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