[Abstract]:GPS system is a very important basic condition for the application of (PGIS) for police geographic information. The business application based on electronic map and GPS positioning data is also the most important application direction of PGIS. Due to the need of public security, GPS application system can play an important role in the fields of command and dispatch, service management, traffic safety management, large-scale event security and so on. At present, there are a large number of GPS devices accessing and uploading positioning information in public security GPS applications, a large number of monitoring clients need to check at the same time, the positioning frequency is very high, and the real-time requirement of positioning information display is high. How to solve the problems existing in the real-time distribution and display of this massive information is the key problem to be solved. The research on the key technology of GPS application system can not only serve the public security industry, but also give reference to the solution of GPS application system in other industries, such as traffic management. In order to meet the requirements of public security work in real-time, mass message transmission, mass dynamic data display and other aspects of GPS application system, this subject focuses on the technology of mass information distribution and mass information display. The key technologies include: adopting asynchronous communication mechanism to improve the load capacity of nodes; The multi-level distribution mechanism is used to improve the system throughput, the subscription mechanism is used to reduce the amount of data distribution, and the hierarchical independent caching mechanism and batch refresh mechanism are used to reduce the map data rendering workload and improve the display performance. The results of this paper play an important role in practical engineering application, and have withstood the application test of large-scale event security and so on. The concrete software achievement realizes a flexible and expandable whole system structure, which can be compatible with multi-manufacturer equipment and different transmission channels for positioning information access. The performance problem of transmission and display of a large amount of positioning information in practical engineering is solved.
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