[Abstract]:The accuracy index of FG5X-246 absolute gravimeter is tested by using a newly developed weak force testing platform. The distance between the disturbance mass volume and the measurement point is changed by the lifting device of the weak force test platform, thus the magnitude of the disturbance gravitational field superimposed at the measurement point is changed. The accuracy of FG5X-246 absolute gravity observation is determined by comparing the difference between the variation of FG5X-246 absolute gravity observation and the variation of theoretical perturbation gravitational field. The test results show that the external disturbance gravitational field changes 48.81 渭 Gal (1Gal=1cm/s~2) when the disturbance mass volume decreases from 1.810 4 m to 1.409 9 m, and the FG5X-246 absolute gravimeter can sense the gravity change of 48 8 渭 Gal. The difference between the measured and theoretical values of FG5X-246 absolute gravimeter is 0.81 渭 Gal.. When the disturbance mass volume decreases from 1.810 m to 1.010 1m, the external disturbance gravitational field changes from-15.44 渭 Gal,FG5X-246 absolute gravimeter to-16.20 渭 Gal, and the difference between the measured value and the theoretical value is 0.76 渭 Gal.. When the perturbed mass volume decreases from 1.409 9 m to 1.010 1m, the external disturbance gravitation field changes from-64. 20 渭 Gal,FG5X-246 absolute gravimeter to-64. 25 渭 Gal gravity change. The difference between the measured value and the theoretical value is 0. 05 渭 Gal.. The results show that the error of the FG5X-246 absolute gravimeter induced by external gravitation is less than 1 渭 Gal, that is, the accuracy of the measurement is better than that of 1 渭 Gal..
【作者单位】: 中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所大地测量与地球动力学国家重点实验室;中国科学院大学;
【基金】:国家重大科研装备研制项目(ZDYZ2012-1-04) 国家自然科学基金(41574073;41374086;40974044)~~
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