[Abstract]:The aim of this paper is to study a new method of spatial data organization in GIS. Spatial data organization and management has always been a hot issue in the field of GIS. The underlying data structure of various spatial data is inconsistent, heterogeneous data is stored separately and independent of each other, which is the organization, management and scheduling of spatial data. Display brings inconvenience, increases the development cycle of GIS software, workload and maintenance difficulty. The traditional spatial data organization mainly includes metadata-based organization, map-based organization and pyramid-based organization. The traditional spatial data storage management methods mainly include file management, relational database and file mixed management and extension based on relational database. Traditional spatial data organization and management can not effectively solve the problems caused by spatial data heterogeneity. In recent years, many GIS experts and scholars have done a lot of research on the integrated management of heterogeneous spatial data, and some excellent solutions have emerged, but many methods have not realized the unified storage management of heterogeneous spatial data on the physical level. In order to effectively organize manage and utilize massive spatial data and overcome the problems caused by spatial data heterogeneity this paper proposes a document-oriented spatial data organization method based on document-oriented thinking. The method uses quad-tree structure to divide geospatial hierarchy, constructs global geographic grid pyramid model, and uses documents to represent and store hierarchical structure and heterogeneous spatial data in geographic grid to form multi-source, multi-scale, multi-source and multi-scale. Unified organization and management framework of heterogeneous spatial data. Document-oriented spatial data organization solves the problem of unified organization, storage and management of heterogeneous spatial data. It accords with the development trend of GIS distributed and cloud computing, and lays a preliminary theoretical foundation for document-oriented spatial data organization. The main achievements of this paper are as follows: (1) A new spatial data organization method is proposed. This paper studies the idea of document-oriented, puts forward the concept of geographical block, clarifies the similarity between document and geographic block, and proposes a document-oriented spatial data organization method based on the analysis of traditional methods of spatial data organization and management. (2) the pyramid model of global geographic grid is designed. In this paper, the global geospatial space is divided based on the quad-tree structure, and the global geographic grid pyramid model is constructed. Each level in the pyramid is divided into regular grid sets, and the grid at all levels forms a strict hierarchical structure. Putting spatial data into this model can realize the unified organization and management of global multi-source, multi-scale and massive spatial data. (3) A document-oriented heterogeneous spatial data integration scheme is proposed. Both in terms of definition and internal structure, documents and geographical blocks are very similar. Therefore, it is convenient to use documents to store heterogeneous spatial data in geographical blocks and to express the internal structure of geographical blocks. Combined with document-oriented non-relational database, the collection of geographical blocks in geographical areas can be stored and managed in a unified way. This document-oriented spatial data integration scheme really realizes the integration of heterogeneous spatial data on the physical level and can effectively integrate the heterogeneous spatial data in GIS. (4) the feasibility of document-oriented spatial data organization is verified. Through the experimental verification, it is proved that the document-oriented spatial data organization can effectively organize and manage the multi-source massive spatial data and solve the problems caused by the heterogeneity of the spatial data. Compared with the traditional spatial data organization management method, it has higher applicability and feasibility.
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