本文关键词: 太赫兹脉冲光谱法 飞行时间 多层 涂层厚度 非接触 均匀性 出处:《光谱学与光谱分析》2017年11期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In the automotive industry, aircraft, ships and other fields, coating thickness management has an important impact on product waterproof, rust prevention function and color effect, but the current commercial coating thickness meter are all contact. And it is difficult to obtain the thickness of each layer in the multilayer coating directly. The THz pulse spectrum of the sample is detected by the reflection THz time domain spectroscopy (THz) system. Based on the time of flight of pulse echo, a simple single point film thickness extraction model was established, and the linear relationship between the optical thickness and geometric thickness of paint samples was fitted by the least square method. Twelve kinds of coatings coated on aluminum sheet were calculated. The refractive index of the paint sample, It is found that the refractive index of metallic paint and nonmetallic paint is quite different in terahertz band. The refractive index of a flash silver paint sample is 5.15, while that of a white paint sample is only 2.64.The thickness of the film is measured at 50 points in an area where the thickness of the single layer white paint sample is uniformly distributed. Taking the measurement data of magnetic / eddy current induction coating thickness meter as reference standard, the average thickness is 71.7 渭 m and the measurement error is 3.5 渭 m. The thickness distributions of white paint and primer are 233 卤13) and 130 卤11 渭 m, respectively. Based on the two-dimensional distribution of black and silver paint samples, the film thickness and its distribution uniformity of each layer are analyzed. Terahertz pulse spectrum method has been used to measure the thickness and evaluate the uniformity of the coating film. The method has high resolution to the thickness of metal paint, and can detect the THz spectrum of samples by non-contact detection. The two-dimensional distribution information of each layer thickness and thickness of multi-layer paint is obtained, which is easy to realize the evaluation of spray quality.
【作者单位】: 天津大学精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室;天津大学太赫兹中心;
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