本文关键词: 蔬菜 重金属污染 原子吸收 出处:《兰州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Vegetables are foods that people eat in their daily lives. They provide the nutrients, minerals and dietary fiber necessary for the normal functioning of the body. People are increasingly willing to buy healthy, pollution-free vegetables. However, surveys in recent years have shown that soil grown around many cities in the country is contaminated by certain heavy elements. Even the fruits and melons eaten by people in some cities. The contents of lead, cadmium, chromium, arsenic and other heavy metals in vegetables and grain crops exceed or are close to the national standard value. Therefore, it is urgent to increase the quality and safety control of vegetable production and circulation. The content of copper, lead, cadmium and chromium in vegetables was determined by flame and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The content of arsenic in vegetables was determined by atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry. The dry ashing method was compared with the traditional electrothermal plate acid digestion method and the automatic graphite digestion apparatus. The advantages and disadvantages of these three wet digestion methods were analyzed by automatic microwave digestion. The content of lead, cadmium and chromium in vegetables was determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry by measuring the content of heavy metals in reference materials. The detection limits, accuracy and accuracy were compared respectively. The purity of ultrapure water and nitric acid used in the determination of cadmium by graphite furnace method, the matrix modifiers ammonium nitrate and diamine phosphate were compared. The concentration and volumetric volume of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate were compared. The optimum photomultiplier tube negative high voltage and lamp current were determined by atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry. Carrier gas flow rate and thiourea-ascorbic acid concentration. By optimizing the experimental conditions, the best experimental parameters are selected, so that the detection results are the most accurate, thus the best detection scheme is determined. We apply the best test scheme to practical cases. We collect 10 kinds of vegetables that are common in large supermarkets and farmers' markets in Xining area, Qinghai, and make statistical analysis on the data obtained from the experiments. The contents and distribution of heavy metals in common vegetables in Xining area were obtained. It will provide an effective reference for the vegetable quality supervision in the future market access and has been applied to the detection of agricultural products in Xining City. It has made a certain contribution to the safety monitoring and management of local agricultural products.
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