本文选题:光子晶体 切入点:非线性 出处:《北京邮电大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Since the concept of photonic crystal has been proposed, has received wide attention from scholars at home and abroad. This is due to its unique periodic structure properties, it has a photonic band gap, the ability to manipulate the indirect light photons generated by the band gap and control the electromagnetic wave of spontaneous emission. This feature is that it has a strong practical the application prospect of nonlinear effect in optical materials has very wide applications. Therefore, the use of nonlinear photonic crystals to produce nonlinear effect is one of the important research direction. This article is in this background, considering the nonlinear medium, produce nonlinear optical properties of photonic crystal structure and enhanced and the optimum design of structures the research work in this dissertation. The Maxwell equation as the theoretical basis, mathematical model of material equations and nonlinear polarization to establish nonlinear optical effect by the further study Some problems of nonlinear optical effects in nonlinear photonic crystals. The nonlinear effect of photonic crystal based on finite element theory and method, the design of efficient algorithm based on fixed point iterations, solve the existing method of slow convergence or even divergence. This research work mainly involves two harmonic photonic crystal structure, structural finite element model of some physical problems three harmonic optical effect, the design of finite element discretization, error analysis of finite element theory, efficient algorithm design, algorithm implementation, results analysis, research and design of photonic crystal structure. This paper focuses on the research of nonlinear optical effect in photonic crystals, respectively for the two order nonlinear polarization X (2) in the process of the two generation two harmonic; X (2) in the process of the two frequency, sum frequency, difference frequency coupling three harmonic generation; three order nonlinear polarization X (3) three times in the process of three harmonic generation were given detailed research and theory to optimize the photonic crystal structure. The corresponding one-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystal structure, based on all kinds of nonlinear problems of abstract mathematical model of nonlinear effects, and then establish the corresponding numerical analysis model of photonic crystal, using fixed point iteration method of finite element algorithm for continuous method of designing efficient. Secondly, build a mathematical model of nonlinear photonic crystal optical effect optimization, using efficient numerical algorithm to design the reinforced material structure photonic crystal non linear optical effect. The photonic crystal with photonic band gap, the band edge phase matching technology, can significantly improve the conversion of nonlinear the effect of efficiency; while using the defect mode of photonic crystals can also enhance nonlinear effects of structure. We use this technology can produce design The higher conversion efficiency of nonlinear photonic crystal structure, and an effective numerical algorithm is presented, and the numerical results verify the correctness and convergence effect of the new algorithm design. The photonic crystal is another widely used photonic crystal waveguide of modeling and optimization. By modeling the 120 degrees and 60 degrees bend waveguide, and for the two bending angle of numerical separately designed high permeability and low loss, high efficiency photonic crystal waveguide broadband. To obtain the photonic crystal waveguide on a silicon substrate by etching circular air holes, and air holes in the shape, size, position adjustment to optimize the waveguide efficiency, and then obtained in broadband the wavelength of 1550nm with high transmission, low loss photonic crystal waveguide structure. In this paper, all the numerical experimental results verify the correctness of our design of the new algorithm, and also show that the new algorithm has The speed of convergence is faster. These can provide reference, help and guidance for experimental research and application design.
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