[Abstract]:The reaction between the alkali metal (or alkaline earth metal) and the halogen molecules has an important reaction mechanism "HarpoonMechanism", that is, the active electrons in the outer layer of the metal atoms jump first to the halogen molecules and form an unstable anion molecule, which will rapidly dissociate and form the metal containing the metal. In this paper, we use the Chebyshev wave packet method and the quasi classical trajectory method (QCT) to conduct a detailed kinetic study of the Ca + HCl (?) H + CaCl reaction in this paper. In this paper, we also use the LAN cable iterative method to obtain the HCaCl body. In addition, we have constructed a high-precision ab initio potential energy surface for the Li+HCl reaction and carried out full dimensional quantum dynamics calculation of the system. Our work mainly includes the following aspects: the kinetics of the 1.Ca + H/DCl reaction and the bound state energy level theory of the HCaCl system: Based on the VSGRA potential energy surface (J.Chem.P) Hys.122 (2005) 204307) we have first obtained the exact quantum reaction probability of the Ca + HCl reaction, and studied the isotopic effect of the reaction. Because of the existence of a deep potential well and the system containing two heavier atoms, we have met a great challenge in the process of calculation. The reaction probability shows a strong resonance phenomenon and the reaction probability increases with the increase of the collision energy. The Coriolis effect is not negligible for the reaction probability of the Ca + HCl reaction to J0. We also use the QCT method to obtain the reaction probability of the Ca + H/DCl reaction, and compare the probability of the reaction of the.QCT with the quantum reaction probability and the probability of the reaction. The quantum results are good, but the results of QCT fail to repeat the quantum resonance structure. By comparing the probability of reaction between Ca + HCl and Ca + DCl, we find that the zero energy effect plays an important role in the vicinity of the threshold energy. The differential reaction cross section and vibration distribution of the product are given by the QCT method. Through the analysis of the above results, we find that the indirect reaction mechanism is the main reaction mechanism of the Ca + HCl reaction. By using the LAN cable iteration method, 7716 energy levels of the potential energy surface deep potential well are obtained, and 254 energy levels with the lowest energy levels are recognized. The eigenenergy level distribution of low energy and high energy suggests that when the intrinsic energy level is lower than 12000cm-1, the wave function has a weak coupling mode. At the middle and high energy, the Fermi resonance leads to some slight distortion of the wave function, and the energy level spacing of these wave functions is very small.2. quasi classical trajectories and quantities. The theoretical study on the reaction and isotope reaction of H + CaCl (X 2 sigma +) to HCl + Ca (S) by wavelet packet method: we use the quasi classical trajectory (QCT) and quantum wave packet method to obtain the total angular momentum of H + CaCl (vi=0, ji=0) as J=0,10, and the reaction probability of 20, and the integral and differential reaction cross sections are obtained. When the quantum resonance effect is reproduced, the result of QCT is very good with the probability of the quantum reaction. Although the reaction is a exothermic reaction and the barrier height of the reaction is lower than the energy of the reactant channel, the reaction probability of the reaction J=0 has a threshold energy and a lower reaction probability near the threshold energy (0.1 eV). The reaction probability is divided into two different regions based on the size of the collision energy: the low energy region (0.35 eV) and the high energy region (0.35 eV). By analyzing the dynamic information of the two regions, we find that the reaction has different reaction mechanisms in the two regions. In the high energy region, the direct reaction mechanism is dominant. In addition, we also use the QCT method to obtain the vibrational distribution of the reaction products and the initial collision angle distribution. Based on the same potential energy surface, we also study the D + CaCl reaction with the method of QCT and the quantum wave packet. The quantum and QCT reaction probability of the inverse response to J = 0 is given, and the QCT side is used. The method obtained the integral of the reaction, the differential reaction cross section and the vibration distribution of the product. In the qualitative way, the isotope substitution will not change the basic kinetic characteristics of the system. Therefore, we have obtained the similar conclusion with the H + CaCl reaction: in the low energy (~ 0.4 eV), the indirect reaction mechanism is dominant, and the direct reaction mechanism is at high energy (~ 0.4 eV). On the quantitative basis, the isotope substitution can increase the reaction probability and the ab initio potential energy surface of the reaction section.3.LiHCl system to construct the quantum dynamics calculation with the reaction of Li + HCl (v=0, j=0-2) to LiCl + H: we have obtained 36654 ab initio data points using MRCI+Q/aug-cc-pV5Z method. Then the three spline fitting method is used for this method. Some data points are fitted to obtain the ground state adiabatic potential energy surface for the Li+HCl reaction. The result shows that the reaction is a exothermic reaction and the energy released is consistent with the experimental results, and its value is 5.63 kcal/mol (9 kcal/mol under the consideration of zero point energy). The potential barrier height of the potential energy surface is 2.99 kcal/mol (after considering the zero point energy, the barrier is high. " The Van Der Waals potential well characteristics at the entrance of the reaction channel are also consistent with the experimental data. We also found two other Van Der Waals potential wells and gave their structural characteristics. Finally, we use the Chebyshev wave packet method to give the integral reaction cross section and reaction rate of different rotation starting states. The results are all in good agreement with the experimental data.
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