[Abstract]:Amide bond is not only the basic skeleton structure of peptides and proteins, but also an important functional group of many drug molecules. Therefore, many mass spectrometry workers are very interested in the gas phase chemistry of amides. In this work, high-resolution electrospray ionization and high-energy collision dissociation (ESI-HCD-MS/MS) techniques combined with isotope labeling experiments and quantum chemical density functional theory (DFT) were used to calculate the effects of N-pyridyl benzoamide compounds and benzopyridine amide derivatives. The pyrolysis mechanism of analogous compounds by gas phase mass spectrometry (VMS) was systematically studied. The main content consists of two parts: 1. Study on the decomposition mechanism of protonated N-pyridyl benzoamide compounds by mass spectrometry; collision induced dissociation of protonated N-pyridyl benzamide compounds mainly formed substituted 2-hydroxypyridine cationic a, substituted benzoyl cationic b And neutral loss of fragments produced by a molecule of water, c. Theoretical calculations show that the addition of protons to the nitrogen atom of the pyridine ring first induces the isomerization of amide-imide alcohols to the imine alcohols, and then the intramolecular rearrangement of 1 / 3-OH-, and the addition of the protons to the nitrogen atoms of the pyridine ring. Positive charge induces heterolysis to produce substituted 2-hydroxypyridine cationic ions, and the existence of electron-absorbing substituents on pyridine rings or push-electron substituents on benzene rings is not conducive to the formation of the pyrolysis reaction. By investigating the secondary mass spectra of N- (pyridin-3-yl) benzoamide compounds, it is found that the mechanism of hydroxyl migration induced by amide-imidol interaction is also suitable for N- (pyridin-3-yl) benzoamide .2. Studies on the decomposition Mechanism of Proton Benzopyridyl Amide Derivatives by Mass Spectrometry the two classes of derivatives, 2- ([1 (1) 1-biphenyl-biphenyl] -2-yl) -N- (quinoline -8-yl) acetamide derivatives and 2- (phenylthio) -N- (quinoline-8-yl) benzamide derivatives, were studied. In this paper, the mechanism of gas phase mass spectrometry pyrolysis. It was found that four fragment ions were observed in the HCD mass spectrogram of protonated ions of the first kind of compounds. Protonated ion neutral lost water fragment ion a, fragment ion b formed by amide bond break, fragment ion b further neutral loss of carbon monoxide fragment ion c and quinoline-8-amine ion (fragment ion e).) In the HCD mass spectrogram of protonated ions of the second kind, two main fragment ions were observed: fragment ion b formed by amide-bond breakage and fragment ion c produced by neutral loss of water from protonated ion. Theoretical calculations show that the addition of protons to the nitrogen atom of the pyridine ring first leads to the charge induced chemical bond heterolysis when the protons migrate from this site to the "dissociated proton site" amide N2 atom. The substitution group effect shows that the donor group tends to form fragment ion b and the electron group tends to form fragment ion c. The proton transport reaction of these compounds was further verified by deuterium experiments.
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