[Abstract]:Thiouracil bases are potential important Guang Min agents for photodynamic therapy, and the photophysical studies of their lowest single excited states have been widely reported. However, there are few studies on the transition properties and reaction kinetics of the higher excited states. In this paper, resonance Raman spectroscopy and density functional theory are used to study the UV spectra of 2O4-dithiouracil and the short-time structural kinetics of several higher singlet excited states. Firstly, based on the relationship between the resonance Raman spectrum intensity and the intensity f of the electron absorption band, the UV spectrum is deconvolution into four absorption bands, which are 358 nm (f0. 0336) medium intensity absorption band (A band), 338 nm (ft0. 1491), 301 nm (fU 0. 1795) and 278 nm (f0. 3532) strong and wide absorption bands (BU C and D bands). The results not only agree with the results of density functional theory, but also accord with the expectation of the intensity mode of the resonance Raman spectrum for the ultraviolet band. On this basis, the four absorption bands obtained by deconvolution are identified as S0 / S2 transition, S0 / S6 transition, S0 / S7 transition and S0 / S-1 / S8 transition respectively. At the same time, the resonance Raman spectra of BFC and D bands were identified in detail, and the short time kinetic information was obtained. The results show that the short term dynamics of S 8 states is characterized by the cross initiation of S 8 (蟺 O *) / S (n 蟺 O *) potential energy surfaces in or near the Franck-Condon region. The main feature of the short term dynamics of S 8 states is the multidimension of the reaction coordinates in the non adiabatic process S7 and S 6 states with the torsion of ultrafast structures. 瀹冧滑鍒嗗埆娌緾_5C_6/C_2S_8/C_4S_(10)/N_2C_3 C_4N_3H_9/N_1C_2N_3/C_2N_1C_6/C_6N_1H_7/C_5C_6H_(12)鍜孋_5C_6/N_3C_2/C_4S_(10)/C_2S_8 C_6N_1H_7/C_5C_6H_(12)/C_5C_6N_1/C_5C_6H_(12)/C_2N_1C_6/N_1C_2N_3/C_4N_3H_9/N_1C_2N_3绛夊唴鍧愭爣婕斿寲.
【作者单位】: 浙江理工大学化学系;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(21473163) 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973)(2013CB834607)资助~~
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