[Abstract]:Aerosol aging is one of the research hotspots in the field of physical chemistry of atmospheric particulates. The kinetics of chemical reaction of oleic acid (OA) film and oleic acid-coated fly ash with ozone was observed and compared by vacuum Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. The role of fly ash in heterogeneous chemical reaction was evaluated. In addition to the difference of fingerprint characteristic peaks, the main infrared characteristic absorption peaks of pure oleic acid film and fly ash coated with pure oleic acid before reaction are similar. When the two samples were in 20ppm ozone concentration, the intensity of the characteristic absorption peak (3 050cm-1) of Ch decreased while the intensity of the characteristic peak of -OH stretching vibration (3 430 cm ~ (-1) increased at room temperature and in dry reaction environment. In addition, with the ozone oxidation reaction, the intensity of the extensional vibration characteristic peak of carboxylic acid Con O at 1 710cm-1 decreases, whereas the stretching vibration characteristic peak of the product esters appears and increases at 1 740 cm ~ (-1). The OA components of the two groups of samples can be gradually consumed and converted into products containing hydroxyl groups and ester functional groups through the change trend of IR spectra. The quasi-first-order reaction rate constant Kapp and uptake coefficient 纬 can be obtained by changing the characteristic peak of Con O at 1 740cm-1. The quasi first order reaction rate constant of fly ash samples is about twice as high as that of oleic acid film reaction system. For the specific surface area, the fly ash sample is larger than the oleic acid film, and the ozone concentration of the two reaction systems is the same. The 纬 values of oleic acid film and oleic acid-coated fly ash are (2.70 卤0.11) 脳 10 ~ (-4) and (3.70 卤0.13) 脳 10 ~ (-4), respectively. The larger catalytic surface area and faster catalytic efficiency are the reasons for the faster reaction of fly ash sample than oleic acid film. It is proved that the formation of secondary organic aerosol is easy to be promoted when fly ash binds to unsaturated organic acid and is in ozone oxidation environment.
【作者单位】: 北京理工大学化学学院化学物理研究所;
【基金】:supported by the National Natural Science Foundational of China(41175119,21373026,21473009)
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