发布时间:2018-09-03 10:01
【摘要】:在不添加外源性化学活化剂的条件下直接碳化乌拉草制备了多孔碳材料Ula C-950-HF.样品的碳含量高达93%,并且显示出部分石墨化的趋势.热重分析(TGA)结果显示样品具有很高的热稳定性(400℃前失重仅3%).N_2吸附-脱附测试结果表明样品的孔结构以微孔为主(峰值在1.1 nm),并有少量的介孔,总体的孔分布范围较窄,孔结构为有利于甲烷吸附的狭缝状.体积法测试结果表明,在298 K,3.5 MPa条件下,乌拉草基多孔碳材料Ula C-950-HF的甲烷储存能力达到208 mg/g(质量分数17%)或体积容量达到232 m L/m L.通过对产品的孔结构绘制模型并进行分析,从理论上初步解释了样品拥有较高的高压甲烷储存能力的原因.
[Abstract]:The porous carbon material Ula C-950-HF was prepared by direct carbonization of Urasia uralensis without adding exogenous chemical activators. The carbon content of the sample is as high as 933% and shows a partial graphitization trend. The results of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) showed that the samples had high thermal stability (only 3% weight loss before 400 鈩,
[Abstract]:The porous carbon material Ula C-950-HF was prepared by direct carbonization of Urasia uralensis without adding exogenous chemical activators. The carbon content of the sample is as high as 933% and shows a partial graphitization trend. The results of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) showed that the samples had high thermal stability (only 3% weight loss before 400 鈩,