[Abstract]:Biosensor is one of the most important detection techniques in current scientific research. As an important branch of electrochemical biosensor, electrochemical biosensor has been widely used in clinical medicine, environmental monitoring, agricultural analysis, food safety and other fields because of its advantages of quick response, high sensitivity, high selectivity, easy operation and low cost. Due to their excellent electrical conductivity, biocompatibility, electrocatalysis and large specific surface area, nanomaterials can be used to fabricate novel electrochemical biosensors with modified electrodes. Therefore, the sensitivity and specificity of the electrochemical sensor can be improved effectively. In this paper, the preparation of molybdenum disulfide nanocomposites and its application in electrochemical biosensors are discussed. Gold nanoparticles functional molybdenum disulfide (AuNPs@MoS_2) and gold nanoparticles and thionine co-functionalized molybdenum disulfide (AuNP-Thi-MoS_2) nanocomposites were successfully prepared and electrochemical enzyme biosensor and electrochemical immunosensor were successfully constructed. The main contents are as follows: (1) the bioactivity of hemoglobin (Hb) can be maintained by using AuNPs@MoS_2 nanocomposites, and the electron transfer between the active center of Hb and the electrode can be promoted. The electrochemical enzyme biosensor based on AuNPs@MoS_2 nanocomposites was constructed. The direct electrochemical behavior of Hb was studied and the detection of H2O2 and (NO) was realized. The results show that the electrode modified by AuNPs @ MoSport2 nanocomposite has good electrocatalytic activity for H2O2 and NO. In the range of 10-300 渭 M H2O2 and 10-1100 渭 M NO, the peak current of the electrochemical sensor based on MoS_2 is linearly related to the concentration of H2O2 and NO. The detection limits can reach 4 渭 M H2O2 and 5 渭 M NO, respectively. The sensor also shows high selectivity and good reproducibility. (2) the AuNPThi-MoS_2 nanocomposites can be controlled by a simple one-step synthesis method using the synergistic reduction of thionine (Thi) and MoS_2. Thionine not only has the properties of electroactive substances, but also can be used as reducing agent and MoS_2 to control the morphology of gold nanoparticles. By controlling the concentration ratio of Thi and MoS_2, the spherical, triangular, clover and flower-like gold nanoparticles functionalized MoS_2 nanocomposites (AuNP-Thi-MoS_2) can be controlled. The clover AuNP-Thi-MoS_2 nanocomposites were selected as samples and characterized by various instruments, such as transmission electron microscope (TEM), UV X-ray diffraction (UV) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). It is confirmed that we have successfully prepared AuNP-ThiMoS_2 nanocomposites. (3) A novel electrochemical immunosensor for the detection of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) was constructed by using four-leaf AuNP-Thi-MoS_2 nanocomposites as electrode modified materials. The Thi peak current decrease of the sensor is linearly correlated with the concentration of CEA in the range of 1 pg mL ~ (-1) ng mL-1, and the minimum detection limit can reach 0.52 pg mL ~ (-1). Moreover, the sensor has good sensitivity, selectivity and reproducibility, and can be applied to the detection of human serum samples.
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