[Abstract]:Because of its high theoretical energy density, lithium-sulfur battery system is expected to become the next generation of new energy system. However, China is rich in sulfur resources and widely distributed, which provides material conditions for the commercialization of lithium-sulfur batteries. It has been widely studied and applied to solve the problem of poor conductivity of sulfur and its reducing product L _ 2S or L2S2 by using carbon materials with good conductivity and sulfur composite to provide conductive network skeleton for sulfur. For lithium-sulfur batteries, aluminum foil is usually used as cathode collector, but it is easy to be oxidized in natural state. The surface of aluminum foil forms a Al2O3 oxide layer of 4-5 nm thickness, which can protect deep layer aluminum foil, but its electrical conductivity is poor. The electron transport of positive electrode is affected, and there is the problem of dry cracking and demineralization of positive electrode material in high load sulfur positive plate. In addition, high order polysulfide is produced during charging and discharging of lithium-sulfur batteries, which is easily dissolved in electrolyte, and the electrolyte shuttles through the diaphragm to the negative electrode, and deposits on the cathode metal lithium surface, resulting in the irreversible loss of sulfur, the active substance. Thus, the battery capacity is reduced, the battery capacity attenuation rate is increased, and the battery life is shortened. In order to solve the problems mentioned above, the following three parts have been done in this paper: firstly, the ultra-long array carbon tubes synthesized by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technology are interwoven into three-dimensional (3D) collecting fluid instead of aluminum foil collecting fluid. The graphene@S-CNT flexible positive electrode was prepared by filtering the nitrogen-graphene / sulfur composite material and the ultra-long carbon tube sand core into a 3D carbon tube skeleton substrate. Flexible positive electrode can be bent, with good mechanical properties, suitable for some flexible devices. However, the flexible pole-rich macroporous structure can not limit the region of polysulfide. In this paper, a simple rolling process is used to improve the positive pole mechanical properties, conductivity, pore structure and pore distribution to limit the range of polysulfides and improve the cycle stability of the battery. But flexible electrodes are mainly used in some flexible devices, and in expanded batteries (such as soft-clad batteries), positive and negative electrodes are difficult to connect to the polar ears, so on the basis of retaining the original aluminum foil to collect fluid, Graphene / carbon nanotube (CNT) hybrid modification layer was added on the surface, and 3D conductive network was formed on the surface of aluminum foil. The conductivity of the interface was improved by 2.7 times at the interface between aluminum foil and active cathode material sulfur. At 1. 1 mg cm-2, current density of 0. 5 C (1 C ~ (1) C), the discharge capacity of the first loop reaches 1113 mAh gs-1, sulfur utilization ratio, the polarization phenomenon is obviously reduced, the sulfur utilization efficiency is increased, and the capacity is increased. The modified layer can reduce the surface tension, increase the adhesion between the collector and the positive composite material, and solve the problem of electrode demineralization. In addition to the method of modifying the collector the modification of the diaphragm directly opposite to the positive pole is also an effective method to suppress the shuttle effect of polysulfide. The membrane modified layer absorbs the polysulfide dissolved in electrolyte by physical and chemical adsorption, which inhibits the polysulfide shuttle, promotes the polysulfide phase transition, and recovers the shuttle polysulfide. For the button type lithium-sulfur battery, the porous graphene modified polypropylene membrane was used as the diaphragm. At the current density of 1.8-2.0 mg cm-2, on the electrode surface, the sulfur utilization rate reached 86.5%, the capacity retention rate after self-discharge was 90%, and the performance of the ratio was improved. In addition, the porous graphene modified separator was expanded to be used in a soft-coated battery (30 脳 50 cm2), the surface sulfur content was 7.8 mg cm-2, current density 0.05C, and the initial discharge specific capacity of the cell reached 1135 mA h gs-1.. Compared with polypropylene membrane, the porous graphene functional membrane greatly improved the battery capacity and cycle stability.
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