[Abstract]:Objective: To study the structural characteristics and biological activities of polysaccharide macromolecules and their derivatives in Dendrobium candidum. METHODS: The crude polysaccharides of Dendrobium candidum and crude polysaccharides of Dendrobium candidum were obtained by boiling water extraction-ethanol precipitation, sodium hydroxide extraction-ethanol precipitation. The polysaccharide was isolated and purified by enzymatic hydrolysis, anion exchange and gel filtration chromatography. The properties and structure of polysaccharides were analyzed by chemical and physical methods such as sugar composition analysis, partial acid hydrolysis, methylation, infrared, nuclear magnetic and other chemical and physical methods. Sulfation of polysaccharides was carried out by chlorosulfonic acid-Fenton method (1: 3). The tube cavity formation experiment and scratch migration experiment of human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1) were used to investigate the anti-angiogenic ability of Dendrobium candidum polysaccharide and sulfated derivatives. MTT assay was used to detect the inhibitory effect of Dendrobium candidum polysaccharide and its derivatives on the proliferation of different tumor cell lines, as well as the toxicity to human normal hepatocytes LO2 and HMEC-1 cells. Results: (1) The DOW 304. 0g of the crude polysaccharide was obtained from the dried stem of Dendrobium candidum 1. 5Kg (the yield was 20.3%) and the DOA of the crude polysaccharide was 14.0g (the yield was 0. 9%). (2) DOW was isolated and purified to obtain two homogeneous polysaccharides (5A and A21), and their molecular weights were 1. 6, 104 Da and 8. 2, 103 Da, respectively. The composition analysis indicated that 5A was composed of glucose (Glc), mannose (Mannose, Man), arabinose, Ara, galactose, xylose, xylose and Xyl. Its molar ratio was 55. 7: 39. 7: 1. 4: 0. 6: 2.6. The structure analysis showed that 5A was the main chain of 1,4-dioxane-D-Glcp, 1,4-dioxane-D-Manp. The branched chain mainly includes terminal (T)-D-Glcp, T-Xyl, and T-Ara. the branched chain is connected to the C-6 position of the main chain sugar residue 1,4-dioxane-D-Glcp; the branched chain is composed of Glc, Man and a small amount of Xyl, the molar ratio of which is 91.9: 6.5: 1.6, and the structure analysis shows that the branched chain is a main chain of 1,4-dioxane-D-Glcp and a very small amount of 1,4-dioxane-D-Manp, and the branched chain mainly comprises T-MAA-D-Glcp, xylose may be present on the branched chain. The branched chain is connected to the C-6 position of the main chain sugar residue 1,4-dioxane-D-Glcp. (3) The DOA was separated and purified to obtain two homogeneous acidic xylanase S32 and S33S1 with a molecular weight of 3. 7-104Da and 6. 9-0103 Da, respectively. The results of the composition analysis showed that: S32 was composed of Ara, Xyl, Glc, dioxane, nose (rhamnose, Rha) and 4-methoxy-glucononic acid (4-MGA). The ratio of each monosaccharide was 8. 9: 62. 7: 8. 5: 3. 7: 3. 9: 12. 3; S33S1 sugar was composed of Xyl, Ara, Glc and 4-MGA, and the ratio was 6. 1: 79. 8: 1. 2: 12. 9. The structural analysis shows that S32 and S33S1 are the main chains of 1,4-dioxane-D-Xylene, and the branches are connected to the C-2 position of the main chain sugar residue. The branches of S32 are mainly composed of T-4-Me O-A-D-Glc Ap, 1,4-dioxane-D-Glcp, 1,3-dioxane-L-Rhap, T-Et-L-Araf, T-GaP-D-Galp, and T-GaP-D-Xylene. The branched chain of S33S1 is relatively simple, mainly containing T-4-Me O-A-D-Glc Ap, T-Et-D-Xylene and T-Et-L-Araf. (4) S300 and S32S, respectively, were obtained by sulfation modification of quercetin and S32, and the molecular weights were 1. 8 to 104 Da and 5. 4 to 104 Da, respectively. The substitution degree of sulfuric acid was 0.992 and 0.990, respectively. The structural analysis indicated that the former was the C-6 position of 1,4-dioxane-D-Glcp and T-GaP-D-Glcp. The latter mainly consists of the C-2 or C-3 bits of 1,4-dioxane-D-Xylene, the C-3 position of the small part of 1, 2, 4-GaP-D-Xylp, the C-3 position of T-4-MGA, and the C-6 position of 1,4-dioxane-D-Glcp. (5) The results of biological activity test showed that the non-sulfated polysaccharides S300 and S32 had little effect on the tube cavity formation of HMEC-1 cells, but the sulfated polysaccharides S32S and S32S could inhibit the formation of HMEC-1 cell and the activity of cell migration at low concentration (5.95. mu.M, 0. 29. mu.M). At higher concentrations, 1 mg/ m L (47. 62. mu.M, 18. 52. mu.M) had little toxicity to human normal liver cells LO2 and HMEC-1 cells. Conclusion: (1) Four kinds of polysaccharides were obtained in this study. 5A and S33S1 were purified from the crude polysaccharide of water; S32 and S33S1 were purified from the crude polysaccharide. (2) 5A and S33S1 mainly consist of 1,4-dioxane-D-Glcp and 1,4-dioxane-D-Manp as the main chain; S32 and S33S1 are acidic isoxylans with 1,4-dioxane-D-Xylene as the main chain. (3) The sulfated derivatives SS32S and S32S of Dendrobium candidum have anti-angiogenic ability, and sulfuric acid groups play an important role in the biological activity.
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