[Abstract]:Quasi-polypropane is a linear supramolecular assembly, which has been widely used in nanodevices, sensors, molecular converters, drug delivery systems in vivo, gene release carriers and scaffold materials for tissue engineering. In this paper, a kind of redox controllable quasi polyether hydrogel was prepared by modifying sulfhydryl group at the end of PEG with polyethylene glycol (PEG) /? cyclodextrin (CyD) quasi polyether as carrier. The changes of activity and structure of chymotrypsin and urease in hydrogel were determined, the interaction of this ternary system was explored, and the nucleation mechanism of polyrotane was explored. Mercapto polyethylene glycol was prepared by esterification and three-step synthesis. FTIR,Raman,1H NMR characterization showed that the yield of PEG?SH, was more than 70% under the condition of esterification. Mercapto quasi polypropanes were prepared by the piercing reaction of?-CyD. The crystal structure of mercapto quasi-polypropanes was analyzed by XRD. The results show that they belong to hexagonal crystal system. In order to explore whether mercapto quasi-polypropane can be used as a soft immobilized enzyme, we have studied the changes of activity and structure of chymotrypsin in PEG?SH/?-CyD system. The results showed that the activity of chymotrypsin was increased by 19% and the stability of chymotrypsin was also improved in the PEG?SH/?-CyD system. Through fluorescence spectrum, synchronous fluorescence spectrum and 1H NMR,13C NMR,COSY,NOESY, circular dichroism, it was found that chymotrypsin in solution formed hydrogen bond and hydrophobic bond with mercapto quasipolypyridine. Secondary interactions such as van der Waals lead to minor changes in the structure of chymotrypsin, resulting in an increase in the catalytic efficiency of chymotrypsin. In addition, sulfhydryl group can increase the activity of chymotrypsin. The interaction between urease and mercapto quasi-polypropanes was studied by using urease as a control enzyme of chymotrypsin. The results showed that mercapto quasi-polybutane had no effect on the activity and stability of urease. However, urease was rapidly deactivated in (TGA) solution with higher concentration of mercaptoacetic acid. The fluorescence spectra of urease showed that mercapto quasi polybutane could decrease the fluorescence intensity of the enzyme, and the microenvironment of Trp,Tyr residues in the solution would change with the addition of mercapto quasi polybutane. In addition, the mechanism of phase transition nucleation of polyrotane was also explored. In 0. 1 g/mL?-CyD solution, the formation rate of quasi-polybutane increased with the increase of PEG concentration, and finally stabilized at about 5 ~ 10-4 mg/mL?s. In the process of ring penetration and phase transition, the particle size of quasi-polybutane is increasing, and the particle size of the resulting quasi-polybutane is in the range of 1. 5 ~ 3? M. From the results of zeta potential measurement, it can be seen that, once the condensation nucleus is formed, the condensate nucleus accumulates rapidly, forming an unstable particle system and a phase transition occurs during the annular penetration.
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