[Abstract]:Electrochemical biosensor has been widely studied in analytical chemistry, biomolecular and other fields for its advantages of high specificity, high sensitivity and simple and portable detection instruments. With the development of science, the sensitivity and the detection limit of the electrochemical biosensor are required, and the electrochemical signal amplification technology is produced. In this paper, the applications of nanomaterials and nucleic acid amplification techniques in electrochemical signal amplification are mainly studied. The main results are as follows: in the first part, the basic principle and classification of electrochemical biosensors are briefly introduced. The applications of several nanomaterials and nucleic acid amplification techniques in electrochemical signal amplification were reviewed. In the second part, a simple chemical method is used to synthesize high quality three-dimensional nanocomposites (platinum nanometers are immobilized on carbon nanocages). PtNPs/CNCs can efficiently catalyze the oxidation of glucose in phosphoric acid buffer solution and present a rapid response time. Wide linear range, low detection limit, good stability, high sensitivity. This potential can effectively limit the oxidation of other substances. These excellent catalytic activity and selectivity make the direct detection of glucose by PtNPs/CNCs nanomaterials have a wide application space. In the third part, a homogeneous electrochemical immunoassay was constructed based on the combination of target induced proximity hybridization and rolling loop amplification (RCA). The unfixed detection of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is achieved by using an electroneutral peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probe labeled with an electrically active indicator and a negatively charged indium tin oxide (ITO) electrode. This method has the advantages of high sensitivity, high accuracy and satisfactory generality of analytes, which makes it a potential application in the detection of other biomarkers. In the fourth part, a novel proximity hybrid catalyzed DNA hairpin assembly strategy is proposed for electrochemical immunoassay. The strategy is based on in situ DNA template synthesis of Pd nanoparticles as signal marker. The electrochemical signal was further amplified by introducing super sandwich reaction to increase the length of DNA. It also has satisfactory analytical performance for the determination of CEA in serum samples and shows good reproducibility and stability. At the same time, because of the specific recognition of antigens, it shows excellent specificity. Therefore, the signal amplification method based on DNA template to synthesize Pd nanoparticles has great potential in clinical application, and is also suitable for quantitative determination of ultra-low biomarkers.
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