[Abstract]:Monomolecular electronics is an emerging subfield of nanoelectronics. The ultimate goal is to use single molecules as active components in electronic circuits. In the past century, chemists have had a more mature understanding of how the structure of molecules determines their electronic properties. The transformation of chemical theory into the design and understanding of monolayer electronic devices can promote the rapid development of this field. In this paper, we describe how to control the charge transport and function of monolayer devices by organosilicon chemical theory. Monocrystalline silicon plays an important role in semiconductor materials. Its chemical structure is a normal octahedral structure formed by Si-Si 蟽 single bond. Adamantane has the same spatial structure as monocrystalline silicon, but the physical, chemical and electrical properties of the two materials are essentially different. Molecular morphology is the main component of macroscopical monocrystalline silicon semiconductor materials. According to Moore's law, semiconductor devices will be smaller and smaller, silicon electronic devices have the same trend. When the size of a silicon electronic device changes from a macro state to a small molecular scale-a single organosilicon molecule, the macroscopic electrical law will no longer apply. Therefore, it is of great scientific significance to study the electronic behavior of organosilicon molecules at nanometer scale. It is now known that conduction pathways and molecular tension are important factors affecting the conductivity of monolayers. We hope to study their effects on the conductivity of organosilicon molecules through the controllable regulation of these two factors. Scanning tunneling microscope (STM-BJ) technique is used to investigate the structure-conductivity relationship of silicone molecular conductors. Our results show that the charge transport in these systems is determined by the conformation of single molecule, conjugation and bond polarity of 蟽-skeleton. Chapter 1 introduces monomolecular electronics, silicon microelectronics and organosilane chemistry, and the reasons why we connect these three aspects. Chapter 2 / 3 describes in detail the process of synthesis of organosilicon molecules in this thesis. In chapter 4, the electrical conductivity test results of synthetic substances are analyzed.
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