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发布时间:2019-04-26 23:00
[Abstract]:Due to the frequent oil spills caused by the exploitation of offshore oil resources, oil spills have become the main source of pollution in the ocean. This not only does great harm to the ecological environment, but also causes huge losses to the economy. In order to find the oil spill accident in time and accurately, an effective measurement method is urgently needed to realize the rapid detection of oil spill on the surface of the water. According to the spatial frequency characteristics of fringe image, the oil spill detection system under active light condition is designed by using projector as active light source and CCD detector as photoelectric detector. The problems that need to be solved in the research are as follows: firstly, the related literatures in the field of oil spill detection at home and abroad are studied, and the advantages and disadvantages of different oil spill detection systems and methods are analyzed and compared in order to lay a theoretical foundation for the design of the system. Based on the study of fluorescence technology and fluorescence characteristics of petroleum substances, the fluorescence spectrum experiments of petroleum substances were carried out, and the experimental results were analyzed to verify the feasibility of this system for detecting oil spills. Then, the light source of projector, filter and CCD detector are used to set up the optical platform for oil spill measurement, and the experiment of low illuminance dark chamber is carried out. The image preprocessing algorithm is designed and the performance of the algorithm is evaluated. The definition of spatial frequency, the principle of modulation transfer function and the measurement method are deeply studied. Based on the traditional MTF measurement method, the inclined edge method is improved, and the simulation results are compared with the traditional method. Finally, combined with the low illumination experimental model, the oil spill detection system is designed and built for outdoor experiments. Based on the VS2010 software, the image data network port transmission, oil spill detection processing, detection results display and other functions are designed and implemented. The system is used to detect oil spills in different environments, analyze the experimental data, and perfect the oil spill detection system on water surface according to the actual environment. In this paper, a large number of experiments have been carried out by using the designed oil spill detection system. The results show that the improved slant edge method is superior to the traditional algorithm in accuracy, stability and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The system has the advantages of low cost, low power consumption, real-time, efficient and accurate detection of oil spill. The system can be widely used in wharf, port and other areas where oil spills are easy to occur.


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